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Department of Health Services

Prevention and Treatment


A compilation of accurate, science-based information that addresses the public health and safety impacts of marijuana in our community.

The Adverse Effects of Marijuana (for healthcare professionals)
Source: California Society of Addiction Medicine.

Screening and Assessment of Cannabis Use Disorders
Source: University of Washington, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute.

Treating Youth Substance Use: Evidence based practices and their clinical significance
Source: University of Washington, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute.

Youth Marijuana Use: State of the Science for the Practicing Clinician
Source: Current Opinion in Pediatrics.

Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Relieved by Compulsive Bathing
Source: National Center for Biotechnology Information.

Marijuana Use is Associated with Behavioral Approach and Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents and Emerging Adults
Source: National Center for Biotechnology Information.

Splendor in the Grass? A Pilot Study Assessing the Impact of Medical Marijuana on Executive Function
Source: National Center for Biotechnology Information.

The Public Health Framework of Legalized Marijuana in Colorado
Source: American Journal of Public Health.

Evidence-Based Marijuana Information
Source: California Society of Addiction Medicine.

Dare to Delay? The Impacts of Adolescent Alcohol and Marijuana Use Onset on Cognition, Brain Structure, and Function
Source: Frontiers in Psychiatry.

Marijuana Use: Detrimental to Youth
Source: American College of Pediatricians.

Animal Study Shows Harmful Effects of Secondhand Smoke even before Pregnancy
Source: Science Daily.