Mental Health Services Act
This program receives funding through the voter-approved Mental Health Services Act (Prop. 63). MHSA funding provides a broad continuum of prevention, early intervention and services, and the necessary infrastructure, technology and training elements to effectively support our local mental health services system.
MHSA Funded Programs

Community Intervention Program
We provide outreach to disparate populations that have been historically underserved by mental health services in an effort to engage people from these populations into appropriate mental health services.

Mental Health Peer Run Self-help Centers
We contract with West County Community Services to sponsor four peer run self-help centers in Sonoma County.

Training for Law Enforcement
A key approach for crisis response is to develop strategies to train community members to recognize signs and symptoms of mental illness and how to effectively intervene when a crisis occurs.
Mental Health Crisis Triage

Mobile Crisis Services
Mobile crisis services bring behavioral health crisis assessment and triage services to all parts of Sonoma County. Open to all residents, regardless of medical insurance coverage.