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Department of Health Services

Behavioral Health Division

About Us

The mission of the Sonoma County Behavioral Health Division is to promote recovery and wellness to Sonoma County residents.

We embrace a recovery philosophy that promotes the ability of a person with mental illness and/or a substance use disorder to live a meaningful life in a community of his or her choosing, while striving to achieve his or her full potential.

The principles of a recovery-focused system include: self direction, individualized and person-centered care, empowerment and shared decision-making, and a holistic approach that encompasses mind, body, spirit, and community; strengths-based, peer support; and focus on respect, responsibility, and hope.

We foster a collaborative approach by partnering with clients, family members, and the community to provide high quality, culturally responsive services.

We provide mental health and substance use disorder services across the service spectrum, from prevention, early intervention and treatment, to aftercare and recovery. SCBH provides these services directly or through partnerships with community based agencies.

We directly administer specialty mental health treatment services to Sonoma County residents whose mental health needs are determined to be medically necessary as defined by CCR Title 9 and W&I Code 5600.

We provide oversight, quality assurance, training, and site monitoring for contracted services.

Services are provided in all languages