You have
Behavioral Health Division
Behavioral Health Division
Provider Credentialing
The following guidelines are intended to inform providers regarding the process for credentialing and re-credentialing. BHD-DHS Leadership, Credentialing Committee, and Quality Improvement Manager may require additional documentation or amendments to the process as necessary to ensure regulatory compliance.
Sonoma County Procedures and Additonal Resources:
7.1.1 Provider Credentialing and Continuous Monitoring
Provider Credentialing and Continuous Monitoring Procedure (update in-process)
Appendix 1 - Taxonomy Codes DMC-ODS-Billing-Manual-08-22
Appendix 1 - Taxonomy Codes SMHS Billing Manual May 2024
Credentialing Process Steps:
- Submit required documentation to DHS-RMU-Credentialing
- Missing or incomplete documents will result in delays!
- Revenue Management Unit (RMU) will collect documents, coordinate with Quality Improvement to approve credentials, and send required SmartCare training to the staff member.
- Quality Improvement will review required documentation and coordinate with RMU to get clarifications, missing documentation, or form updates.
- Some providers may require credentialing review or approval by Credentialing Committee and/or DHS Compliance.
- RMU will grant access to SmartCare once credentials have been approved and required SmartCare training is complete.
Documentation Requirements for All Staff:
- Staff Request Form
- Copy of current license, registration, or certification based on provider type.
- Diploma or certified copy of transcripts.
- Current resume / work history.
- Contractor Attestation Form
- Any prior convictions require explanation of conviction history and additional Permissive Exclusion Attestation.
- Provide evidence of any sanctions or limitations on provider’s license.
- Evidence of any history of liability claims filed against the provider.
- Copy of pre-screening checks from:
- Death Master File Index,
- OIG LEIE, SAM, and Medi-Cal Ineligible Provider List.
- National Provider Identification Number (NPI) with correct taxonomy code.
- See Appendix 1 – Taxonomy Codes in the SMHS and DMC-ODS billing manuals for list of appropriate NPI for each provider type
- SMHS and DMC Billing Manuals can be found at
- Other documents may be required based on the credentialing provider type, please see credentialing procedure.
- Other Qualified Providers (OQP) and Graduate Student Interns require submission of a job description and supervision plan.
- Medi-Cal Rx and CURES registration is required for all Physician, Psychiatrist, Nurse Practitioner, and Physician Assistants.
- Provider Application and Validation for Enrollment (PAVE) registration is required for all licensed staff (registered and associates are excluded).