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County Administrator's Office

Press Releases

January 08, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County organizations join forcesto accept State's 100-Day Challenge

Sonoma County has joined Santa Barbara and San Francisco counties as the second cohort of communities in the state to accept Gov. Gavin Newsom's 100-day challenge to address homelessness. Read full story

January 08, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

County of Sonoma increases COVID-19 testing opportunities with addition of new sites and mobile events

County of Sonoma increases COVID-19 testing opportunities with addition of new sites and mobile events Read full story

January 08, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

El Condado de Sonoma expande oportunidades para administrar pruebas de COVID-19 agregando nuevos eventos con puestos móviles

El Condado de Sonoma continúa aumentando la administración de las pruebas de COVID-19, especialmente en los vecindarios más afectados por el virus. Read full story

December 29, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

Health officials assist Sonoma County jail in addressing increasing COVID-19 cases

Sonoma County public health officials are helping the Sheriff’s Office respond to an increase in COVID-19 cases at the Sonoma County Main Adult Detention Facility. Read full story

December 23, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

El Condado de Sonoma abre dos complejos de viviendas adquiridos a través del Proyecto Homekey para asistencia a largo plazo

El Condado de Sonoma abre dos complejos de viviendas adquiridos a través del Proyecto Homekey para asistencia a largo plazo Read full story

December 23, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County opens two long-term supportive housing complexes acquired through Project Homekey

Sonoma County has closed escrow on the purchase of the Sebastopol Inn, the second of two supportive housing complexes acquired by the County through funds made available by Gov. Gavin Newsom through Project Homekey. Read full story

December 22, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

El Condado de Sonoma se une a Curative para operar puestos de prueba móviles

El Condado de Sonoma se une a Curative para operar puestos de prueba móviles Read full story

December 22, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County partners with Curative to operate pop-up testing sites

Sonoma County partners with Curative to operate pop-up testing sites Read full story

December 17, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

La vacuna Pfizer contra COVID llega al Condado de Sonoma

El Condado de Sonoma recibió esta mañana su primer cargamento de la vacuna Pfizer para combatir a COVID-19. Dos cajas de la vacuna, que contienen un total de 1.950 dosis, llegaron al Laboratorio de Salud Pública del Condado en Chanate Road poco antes de las 9 a.m. de hoy. Otras tres cajas se llevaron directamente a los hospitales locales. En total, el Condado recibió 4.875 dosis. Read full story

December 17, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

Pfizer COVID vaccine arrives in Sonoma County

The County of Sonoma received its first shipmentof the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine this morning. Two boxes of the vaccine,containing a total of 1,950 doses, arrived at the County’s Public Health Lab onChanate Road shortly before 9 a.m. today. Three other boxes were taken directlyto local hospitals. In all, the County received 4,875 doses. Read full story