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Department of Health Services

RFP for Behavioral Health Adult Outpatient Services

Published: May 04, 2022

The County of Sonoma Department of Health Services (Department), Behavioral Health Division (BHD) is pleased to invite you to respond to a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Behavioral Health Adult Outpatient Services.

The Department of Health Services is seeking Community Based Organizations (CBO) to join the County’s Mental Health Plan (MHP) to provide Specialty Mental Health Services (SMHS) to adults ages 18+ who meet criteria for Severe and Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI) as per California Code of Regulations and the California Welfare and Institutions Code. The County will operate Full Service Partnership (FSP) programs designed to provide an array of intensive community-based services to adults with SPMI who are at risk of requiring acute psychiatric inpatient care, residential treatment, or outpatient crisis intervention. Sonoma County Behavioral Health staff will lead FSP teams. Adults who have SPMI, but do not require FSP services, will be served by CBOs which will provide a variety of SMHS to support each client’s treatment goals.

The Department is committed to tracking meaningful outcomes and working with CBOs to ensure that high quality services are delivered effectively and efficiently. The primary outcomes of interest for this RFP include:

  • Access to Services: The County is committed providing services in such a way as to   reflect and honor the social and cultural characteristics of the community and focuses on   organizational efforts to reduce barriers to service utilization. No client should be turned   away from services due to lack of system capacity.
  • Timeliness: Adults identified as eligible for a potential service should be offered a service appointment with an appropriate provider within ten (10) business days. 
  • Clinical Outcome Improvements: Clients should show improvements on the Adult   Strengths and Needs Assessment (ANSA) and/or other outcome measurement tools   CBOs may utilize.
  • Functional Improvements: The County aims to provide clients with the services, skills, and supports necessary to obtain and maintain stable housing, engage community connections, and avoid hospital or other facility placements unless absolutely necessary.

For questions regarding this specific solicitation, email

There is an optional virtual pre-bid conference on April 22, 2022. Please register using the link provided in the RFP document. The living wage rate required under the County’s Living Wage Ordinance (LWO) has increased. Effective January 1, 2022, the living wage rate required under the LWO shall be $16.75 per hour, an increase over the previous $15.00 per hour. The adjustment was adopted by the County’s Board of Supervisors on December 14, 2021, in accordance with Sonoma Municipal Code section 2-377(d). All covered employees must be paid at least the increased living wage rate.

Login to the County of Sonoma's Supplier Portal to view the RFP and all supplemental documents. You must be registered in the County of Sonoma's Supplier Portal ( in order to login and view, upload, and download all solicitation documents, and to submit electronic proposals or bids. It is incumbent upon all interested parties to check for any changes, including updates or addenda, by logging into the County’s Supplier Portal and reviewing the event.

Event Details

Event Id:  SC001-0000001479 Round 1 Version 1
Event Starts:
  04/12/2022 3:30PM PDT
Event Ends:
  05/27/2022 2:00PM PDT
Header Attachments:
  Supplier_Portal_Registration_Guide.pdf, How_to_View_Solicitations_and_Submit_Bids_20210308.pdf,
Line Attachments:

Event URL

Review and bid on this event.