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Department of Health Services

Notice of Intent to Terminate Without Award - RFP for the Management and Operation of LG Village Non-Congregate Shelter

RFP Released Originally on December 6, 2022, by the County of Sonoma Community Development Commission and Transferred to the Sonoma County Department of Health Services in January 2023

Published: October 26, 2023

The Sonoma County Department of Health Services has determined that the Request for Proposals for the Management and Operation of Los Guilicos Village Non-Congregate Shelter released on December 6, 2022, be terminated without award as a standard option in this RFP.

Per RFP item B., page 2: Additional Information - Based on the information provided by the respondents to this RFP, a determination will be made regarding any actual award of funds through a Letter of Intent (LOI) or similar process; and per RFP item F., page 3: Resulting Fund Award - There is no guarantee that we will award funds from this RFP should applications not be deemed viable.

Thank you for your interest in working with the County of Sonoma, and we hope you continue to submit proposals to the County for future projects.

Tina Rivera
Director, Department of Health Services