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Department of Health Services

Homelessness Services

Get Help

The Continuum of Care’s Ending Homelessness Division is not a direct service provider. This page contains information regarding the United Way of the Wine County’s resources database, the Coordinated Entry System, year-round Homeless Shelters and Seasonal Shelter operations in Sonoma County.

Homelessness Prevention

Are you behind on rent? The Keep People Housed program provides free financial assistance and legal support to eligible households. For more information, please visit the Keep People Housed website:

United Way of the Wine Country

Phone numbers and website links:

  • Dial: 2-1-1
  • Visit:
  • Text your ZIP code to 8-9-8-2-1-1

You can also call (707) 565-2108 or use the toll free number: 1-800-325-9604

Coordinated Entry

The Sonoma County Coordinated Entry System is operated by HomeFirst. Coordinated Entry is a streamlined system designed to efficiently match people experiencing homelessness to available supportive housing programs. It prioritizes those who are most in need of assistance and provides crucial information that helps communities strategically allocate resources and identify gaps in service. Sonoma County’s Coordinated Entry system employs a Housing First model that prioritizes individuals and families facing the highest vulnerability and needs for permanent, supportive housing. Coordinated Entry is not an emergency response system. Those who are experiencing a housing crisis, should contact a local emergency shelter program. Those interested in enrolling in Coordinated Entry should contact one of the Access Sites on the flyer posted below.

Access the Coordinated Entry System at any provider below:

Puede acceder al sistema a través de cualquier proveedor:

Homeless Shelters

Year-Round Operating Emergency Shelters in Sonoma County:

  • COTS’ Mary Isaak Center (MIC)
  • Catholic Charities’ Sam Jones Hall (Single Adults Shelter)
  • Catholic Charities’ Family Support Center (families with children only or expectant couples/mothers in 3rd trimester of pregnancy)
  • Nation’s Finest, Hearn House (Veterans Only)
  • Community Action Partnership: Sloan House
  • Redwood Gospel Mission: The Rose (for women with children, boys up to age 11)
  • YWCA Domestic Violence Shelter
  • West County Shelter

Download this sheet for more information regarding Applications, Intake/Waitlist, and Emergency Shelter details:

Winter Shelters

For information on current winter shelter and warming centers in extreme weather events, please visit the following website: