Sonoma County Continuum of Care Homeless Data
This is a repository of reports, dashboards and links to collected data relating to homelessness in Sonoma County. The primary source of data used for these items is the Sonoma County Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).
What's on this page
Interactive Dashboards:
Federal Reporting:
- System Performance Measures (SPMs)
- Longitudinal Systems Analysis (LSAs)
- Differences between LSA and SPM Reporting Logic
- Continuum of Care Community Program Reports
State Reporting:
Federal Reports for Sonoma County Homeless Coalition
Each year, the Sonoma County Continuum of Care, known as the Homeless Coalition, submits two reports, System Performance Measures (SPM) and Longitudinal Systs Analysis (LSA), using Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS) data to the United States’ Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
System Performance Measures (SPM)
A critical aspect of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, as amended, is a focus on viewing the local homeless response as a coordinated system of homeless assistance options as opposed to homeless assistance programs and funding sources that operate independently in a community. To facilitate this perspective the Act now requires communities to measure their performance as a coordinated system, in addition to analyzing performance by specific projects or project types.
The Act has established a set of selection criteria for HUD to use in awarding Continuum of Care (CoC) funding in section 427 that require Continuums of Care (CoCs) to report to HUD their system-level performance. The intent of these selection criteria are to encourage CoCs, in coordination with Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program recipients and all other homeless assistance stakeholders in the community, to regularly measure their progress in meeting the needs of people experiencing homelessness in their community and to report this progress to HUD.
CoCs also play an integral role in Consolidated Plan (Con Plan) jurisdictions’ planning process. They are required to provide the jurisdiction with the information necessary to complete the Con Plan(s) for homeless assistance provided to persons within the CoC’s geographic area that falls within the Con Plan jurisdiction’s geographic area, including data on performance measures. HUD uses the system-level performance information as a competitive element in its annual CoC Program Competition, and to gauge the state of the homeless response system, nationally.
National Summary- CoC System Performance Measures since 2015:
- National Summary – CoC System Performance Measures Since 2015: A national summary of the data in a PDF format
- Tableau Data Visualizations: A public Tableau page that provides a variety of visualizations of the system performance measures at the CoC level
Download Sonoma County's SPM Reports:
- SPM Fiscal Year 2020 (PDF)
- SPM Fiscal Year 2019 (PDF)
Longitudinal Systems Analysis (LSA)
The Longitudinal Systems Analysis (LSA) report is produced with data from the Sonoma County Homeless Coalition’s Homelessness Management Information System (HMIS), submitted annually to Housing and Urban Development, and provides HUD and CoCs with critical information about how people experiencing homelessness use their system of care.
Download Sonoma County's LSA Reports:
- LSA Fiscal Year 2021 (PDF)
- LSA Fiscal Year 2020 (PDF)
- LSA Fiscal Year 2019 (PDF)
Differences between LSA and SPM Reporting Logic
Both the Longitudinal Systems Analysis (LSA) and the System Performance Measures (SPM) provide CoCs with a look at their overall system functioning.
- The SPM is a summary and year-to-year comparison of system wide counts, averages, and medians related to seven areas of performance.
- The LSA also includes data related to several of the same areas of performance, but the business logic defined by HUD for the two reports differs substantially.
View Quick Reference Differences between LSA and SPM Reporting Logic
Sonoma County Homeless Coalition Community Program Reports
The Continuum of Care (CoC) Program is designed to promote communitywide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness; provide funding for efforts by nonprofit providers, and State and local governments to quickly rehouse homeless individuals and families while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused to homeless individuals, families, and communities by homelessness; promote access to and effect utilization of mainstream programs by homeless individuals and families; and optimize self-sufficiency among individuals and families experiencing homelessness.
Below are some examples of Sonoma County Homeless Coalition Community reports that can be downloaded in PDF format. The links below are pre-filtered for the Santa Rosa, Petaluma/Sonoma County CoC, (CA-504). Additional filters can be applied for Reporting Years:
- CoC Performance Profile Reports- (CA-504)
- CoC Dashboard Reports- (CA-504)
- CoC Homeless Populations and Subpopulations Reports- (CA-504)
- CoC Housing Inventory Count Reports- (CA-504)
- CoC Award Summary Reports by Component and Project Type- (CA-504)
Additional information regarding each report in the lists above can be found on the View More Report and Data Information page.
The HUD Exchange - Continuum of Care (CoC) Program page has a section of CoC Program Reports, Program Data, and Program Rents with links to the following report pages and additional data information :
- Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR)
- Annual Performance Report (APR)
- FY 2021 CoC Awards and Funding Allocations
- FY 2020 and Prior Years CoC Awards and Funding Allocations
- Award Summary Reports by Program Type
- Dashboard Reports
- Fair Market Rents
- GIS Tools
- Grant Agreement Amendments
- Grant Inventory Worksheet (GIW) Reports
- Homeless Populations and Subpopulations Reports
- Housing Inventory Count (HIC)
- Housing Inventory Count Reports
- Performance Profile Reports
- Point-In-Time (PIT) Count
- View More Report and Data Information
State of California’s Homeless Data Integration System (HDIS)
The State of California’s Homeless Data Integration System (HDIS) compiles and processes data from all 44 of California’s Continuums of Care (CoC) into a statewide data warehouse. Each CoC collects data about the people it serves through its programs and submits it to HDIS on a quarterly basis.
Homeless Data Integration System (HDIS) Website
The following reports are available to view, and filter, by a Calendar Year, Continuum of Care or all of California and can be accessed individually with these direct links:
- People Experiencing Homeless who California Served
- Racial Disparities in Homelessness
- Demographic Characteristics of People Experiencing Homelessness that California Served
A Three Year Snapshot (2020-2022) of People who Experienced Homelessness and Accessed Services in One or More Continuums of Care is also available on the HDIS website.