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Human Resources Department

Sonoma County Law Enforcement Association (SCLEA)

2018 - 2019 SCLEAMemorandum of Understanding:   Article 32: Labor / Management Meetings

Sonoma County Law Enforcement Association

32.1 Matters Of Mutual Interest

The County and the Association shall meet for consultation purposes on matters of mutual interest which would serve constructive purposes to prevent or eliminate grievances or on matters affecting employee health or safety.  Such meetings may be called by the Association President, or designee, and the County’s Employee Relations Manager.  “Consultation” shall not be construed as an obligation to “meet and confer” under the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act.

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32.2 Written Notice

Written notice of topics for discussions shall be exchanged prior to any such meeting. The meeting shall be scheduled at a time and place mutually convenient to the parties.

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32.3 Participation

The number of employees who will participate in the meeting without loss of pay to the extent the meeting occurs during an employee’s scheduled duty period shall be reasonably related to the subject being discussed and shall be mutually agreed upon by the County and the Association.

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32.4 Joint Training on Memorandum

The parties agree to jointly present informational training on this Memorandum of Understanding to affected supervisors and managers. The details of the training shall be mutually agreed upon by the Association and the County. The parties intend to conduct the training session(s) within ninety (90) days from the date this Memorandum is implemented by the Board of Supervisors.

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32.5 Labor / Management Committees – Valley of The Moon Children’s Home and Juvenile Hall

The County and the Association support the creation of labor / management committees for problem solving and communication.

The parties agree to form ad hoc committees to address local issues at the Valley of the Moon Children’s Home and Juvenile Hall. Such committee(s) will be comprised of no less than two (2) and no more than four (4) representatives each from management and from labor, including line and supervisory staff. An Association representative may attend meetings as a non-voting ex officio member. Committee participants have equal standing and will utilize interest-based problem-solving processes whenever possible. Any Committee recommendations will be forwarded to the Division Manager and Department Head for consideration and response.

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