List of Boards, Commissions, Committees & Task Forces
Assessment Appeals Board
The Assessment Appeals Board constitutes the board of equalization for Sonoma County and has the power to equalize the valuation of taxable property within the county for the purpose of taxation, as provided by applicable law.
Sonoma County Coast Municipal Advisory Council
The Sonoma County Coast Municipal Advisory Council CAC) comprises the towns and areas of Valley Ford, Bodega, Bodega Bay, Jenner, Timber Cove, Fort Ross, West Cazadero and The Sea Ranch.
Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County
Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County (CAP Sonoma) is a nonprofit organization with over 50 years of experience working side-by-side low-income families and individuals to help them set and reach personal, financial and academic goals; achieve economic stability; increase access to health and wellness resources; build community; and advocate for social and economic justice.
Developmental Disabilities Board (Area IV)
"Developmental Disability" means a disability which originates before an individual attains the age 18, continues, or can be expected to continue, indefinitely, and constitutes a substantial handicap for such individual…shall include mental retardation, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism and handicapping conditions found to be closely related to mentally retarded individuals but shall not include other handicapping conditions that are solely physical in nature.
Dry Creek Valley Citizens Advisory Council
The mission of the Dry Creek Valley Citizens Advisory Council (“the DCVCAC”) is to act as a bridge for communication between the County and local residents and businesses, and the general public on local planning decisions affecting the Dry Creek Valley.
Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District Board
Based in San Francisco, the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District operates the Golden Gate Bridge, and two public transit systems: Golden Gate Transit buses and Golden Gate Ferry.
Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council
The Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council (River MAC) is established to advise the Board of Supervisors and other County decision-makers on local planning and management decisions relating to the Lower Russian River region, to provide a regular forum for citizen participation in the formation of advisory recommendations on those decisions and to provide a bridge for communication between the County and local residents and businesses, and the general public on local government decisions affecting the Lower Russian River.
Lower Russian River Wastewater Citizens Advisory Group
Meetings are generally held the fourth Thursday of each month from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Monte Rio Community Center located at 20488 Hwy 116, Monte Rio. *
Mark West Area Municipal Advisory Council
Mark West Area Municipal Advisory Council
North Sonoma Valley Municipal Advisory Council
The North Sonoma Valley MAC serves the communities of Glen Ellen, Kenwood and Eldridge, and was approved by the Board of Supervisors on September 17th, 2019. The North Sonoma Valley MAC advises on issues of local concern, and provides a process to effectively communicate the needs of the community to County government and elected leaders. The MAC also serves to deliver information about the County government to the residents within the jurisdiction.
Oversight Board of Sonoma County
Petaluma Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency Advisory Committee
The Petaluma Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency is a Joint Powers Agency created to become the official Groundwater Sustainability Agency for the Sonoma Valley for the implementation of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act.
Regional Measure 3 Independent Oversight Committee (RM3)
The purpose of this committee is to ensure that any toll revenues generated pursuant to the RM3 toll increase are expended consistent with the applicable requirements of the RM3 expenditure plan set forth in Streets and Highways Code Section 30914.7.
Santa Rosa Plain Groundwater Sustainability Agency Advisory Committee
The Santa Rosa Plain Groundwater Sustainability Agency is a Joint Powers Agency created to become the official Groundwater Sustainability Agency for the Santa Rosa Plain for the implementation of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act.
Sonoma Valley Community Advisory Commission
The Sonoma Valley Community Advisory Commission (SVCAC) was created through a Joint Powers Agreement between the County of Sonoma and the City of Sonoma. Its purpose is to provide a public forum to deliberate planning decisions impacting both the City of Sonoma and the unincorporated areas of the Sonoma Valley.
Sonoma Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency Advisory Committee
The Sonoma Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency is a Joint Powers Agency created to become the official Groundwater Sustainability Agency for the Sonoma Valley for the implementation of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act.
Springs Municipal Advisory Council
The Springs Municipal Advisory Council will represent the best interests of the entire community while acting as a bridge for communication between the County and local residents and businesses on topics for the Springs Area.