Board of Supervisors Assignments 2025 Countywide Boards & Committees
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Aging Together
Serve as the steering committee for the County’s Aging Together initiative.
Supervisor Assignments
- Supervisor Rebecca Hermosillo 1st District - Primary
- Supervisor Lynda Hopkins 5th District - Alternate
Emergency Council
To study, revise and recommend to the Board of Supervisors for adoption the Sonoma County Emergency Plan. Additionally, the council reviews and recommends action upon all proposed mutual aid agreements with the United States, State of California, other political subdivisions, corporations, and groups or individuals. The Emergency Council also reviews and recommends the adoption of such ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations as may be necessary to implement the County Emergency Plan or other mutual aid agreement entered into pursuant to such plan.
Supervisor Assignments
- Supervisor Lynda Hopkins 5th District - Primary
First 5 Commission
The California Children and Families First Act of 1998 provided for the creation of a county Commission charged with promoting, supporting and improving the early development of children from the prenatal stage through five years of age. The Commission, now called First 5 Sonoma County Commission, was established by the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors in December 1998.
Supervisor Assignments
- Supervisor Rebecca Hermosillo 1st District - Primary
- Supervisor James Gore 4th District - Alternate
Health Action
Identifies priority health and health care issues and develops specific recommendations on local approaches to promote the health of our community and improve the health care delivery system.
Meets quarterly the first Friday of the month.
Supervisor Assignments
- Supervisor Chris Coursey 3rd District - Primary
Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO)
A separate government agency established by state law to oversee orderly development of the county related to the boundaries of local governments. LAFCO can approve or deny annexations or changes to these boundaries and can make determinations allowing the provision of services by a local government outside of its boundary.
Meets monthly the first Wednesday.
Supervisor Assignments
- Supervisor Rebecca Hermosillo 1st District - Primary
- Supervisor James Gore 4th District - Primary
- Supervisor Chris Coursey 3rd District - Alternate
Mental Health Board
The Mental Health Board acts as a community focal point for mental health issues by reviewing & evaluating the community’s mental health needs, services, facilities, & special problems. It advises the Board of Supervisors & the Behavioral Health Director regarding any aspect of local mental health programs. Each Sonoma County Supervisor can appoint three representatives.
Supervisor Assignments
- Supervisor Lynda Hopkins 5th District - Primary
North Coast Air Basin Control District
Air districts are grouped by air basins which represent an air shed. Northern Sonoma County belongs to the North Coast Air Basin along with Mendocino County Air Quality Management District (AQMD) and the North Coast Unified AQMD. By statute, these Districts are members of the North Coast Air Basin Control Council (BCC).
A representative from Lake County Air Pollution Control District also participates through an MOU. The purpose of the BCC is to work with the Districts to coordinate all air pollution control activities and programs to best serve the public and ensure that the North Coast Air Basin is, or will be, in compliance with the requirements of State and Federal law.
Supervisor Assignments
- Supervisor James Gore 4th District - Primary
- Supervisor Lynda Hopkins 5th District - Alternate
Remote Access Network Board
The Remote Access Network Board (RAN) board shall determine the placement of RAN equipment within the county or counties, and coordinate acceptance, delivery, and installation of RAN equipment.
The board shall also develop any procedures necessary to regulate the ongoing use and maintenance of that equipment, adhering to the policy guidelines and procedures adopted by the department. (California Penal Code Sections 11112.1-11112.7)
Meets as needed.
(Typically the Criminal Justice Services Functional Group Liaison)
Supervisor Assignments
- Supervisor David Rabbitt 2nd District - Primary
Renewal Enterprise District JPA
A Joint Powers Authority (JPA) will govern the RED with the initial governing Board consisting of two elected officials each from the County of Sonoma and the City of Santa Rosa.
The initial RED JPA will be limited to a 24-month pilot phase.
Supervisor Assignments
- Supervisor Rebecca Hermosillo 1st District - Primary
- Supervisor Chris Coursey 3rd District - Primary
- Supervisor Lynda Hopkins 5th District - Alternate
More information about the Renewal Enterprise District JPA »
Santa Rosa Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District (2P)
The City of Santa Rosa Council adopted a Resolution of Intention to establish the City of Santa Rosa Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District (Downtown Business Corridor) (EIFD). EIFD law requires the establishment of a Public Financing Authority (PFA) to serve as the governing body of the EIFD. The PFA must, through a series of public hearings, develop an Infrastructure Financing Plan (IFP) that outlines the EIFD’s investment program including the fiscal impacts to participating jurisdictions.
Supervisor Assignments
- Supervisor Rebecca Hermosillo 1st District - Primary
- Supervisor Chris Coursey 3rd District - Primary
Sonoma Clean Power Authority
Sonoma Clean Power (SCP) is the new, locally controlled electricity provider in Sonoma County. SCP provides residential and business customers across the county the option of using environmentally friendly power, generated by renewable sources, like solar, wind and geothermal. At competitive rates.
SCP is a non-profit agency, independently run by the nine Sonoma County cities and the County, which represents unincorporated communities.
Supervisor Assignments
- Supervisor Lynda Hopkins 5th District - Primary
- Supervisor Rebecca Hermosillo 1st District - Alternate
Sonoma County Employee Retirement Association (SCERA)
Sonoma County Employee Retirement Association - Sixth Trustee Position (qualified elPer provisions in the County Employees Retirement Law, the appointment of the fourth, fifth, sixth, and ninth trustees of the Retirement Board are to be members of the local community who are not connected with County government in any capacity, except that one of them may be a member of the Board of Supervisors, and they shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors. ector)
(1 member - 3 Year Term)
(Note: 1/2025-1/2028
Meets the fourth Thursday of the month at 8:30 a.m.
Supervisor Assignments
- Supervisor Chris Coursey 3rd District - Primary
Sonoma County Homeless Coalition
(Previously named Homeless System of Care Leadership Council; Replaced Joint City/County Housing and Homelessness)
The goal of Home Sonoma County is to achieve functional zero homelessness in Sonoma County through utilization of a Housing First strategy. Through Sonoma County’s homeless system of care, persons experiencing homelessness will be connected to permanent housing as quickly as possible possible by strategically targeting Rapid Re-housing and Permanent Supportive Housing as resources.
Supervisor Assignments
- Supervisor Chris Coursey 3rd District - Primary
- Supervisor Rebecca Hermosillo 1st District - Alternate
Sonoma County Indian Gaming Local Community Benefit Committee
Established by State statute, the LCBC is comprised of representatives from the County Board of Supervisors, the City of Healdsburg, and the Dry Creek Band of Pomo Indians, and is charged with selecting grants to be funded through the local Tribal Casino Account.
LCBC meets one or two times per year, when funds are allocated by the State.
Supervisor Assignments:
- Supervisor David Rabbitt 2nd District - Primary
- Supervisor James Gore 4th District - Primary
- Supervisor Chris Coursey 3rd District - Alternate
Sonoma County Transportation Authority / Sonoma County Regional Climate Protection Authority
Sonoma County Transportation Authority serves as the coordinating and advocacy agency for transportation funding for Sonoma County and is governed by a twelve member Board of Directors who work to maintain and improve the transportation network.
Sonoma County Regional Climate Protection Authority improves coordination on climate change issues and establish a clearinghouse for efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The RCPA is made up of the same Board of Directors as the SCTA and includes representatives from each of the nine cities in Sonoma County and the Board of Supervisors.
Meets monthly the second Monday.
Supervisor Assignments
(Note: 2 of the 3 members need to sit on SMART)
- Supervisor David Rabbitt 2nd District - Primary
- Supervisor Chris Coursey 3rd District - Primary
- Supervisor Lynda Hopkins 5th District - Primary
Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District
Board Chair and 1st District Supervisor required members.
Supervisor Assignments
- Supervisor Rebecca Hermosillo 1st District - Primary
- Supervisor Lynda Hopkins 5th District - Primary
Upstream Investments
Chartered by the Board of Supervisors to understand the antecedents to criminal behavior and to identify upstream interventions that reduce downstream criminal justice costs.
Meets every other month, no recurring days.
Supervisor Assignments
- Supervisor Rebecca Hermosillo 1st District - Primary
- Supervisor James Gore 4th District - Primary
- Supervisor Lynda Hopkins 5th District - Alternate
Water Advisory Committee
(Appointed by Water Agency Board of Directors)
Advises the Agency’s Board of Directors on policy and fiscal matters affecting the Water Contractors, and helps make decisions regarding water supply issues in the Agency’s service area.
Members of the WAC are appointed by their respective city council or board, and represent the major cities and water districts that receive water via the Sonoma County Water Agency’s aqueduct system. Alternate shall serve only in the absence of the primary representative.
Meets every 3 months on the first Monday.
Supervisor Assignments
- Supervisor David Rabbitt 2nd District - Primary
- Supervisor James Gore 4th District - Alternate
Zero Waste Sonoma
The Sonoma County Waste Management Agency, formed in April 1992, is the joint powers authority of the nine incorporated cities and the County of Sonoma.
The mission of the Agency is waste diversion required by State law AB939. The Agency's programs include household hazardous waste, composting, wood waste recycling, planning and education.
Supervisor Assignments
- Supervisor Rebecca Hermosillo 1st District - Primary
- Supervisor Lynda Hopkins 5th District - Alternate