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Board of Supervisors Department

Rebecca Hermosillo Responsibilities

District 1 Banner Wide

The Board of Supervisors of the County of Sonoma is charged with the responsibility of establishing policy to guide the various functions of the County and, where necessary, to establish procedures by which functions are performed.

Ad-Hoc Committees

South Santa Rosa Annexation

Work with staff to develop the scope and budget of a potential Moorland Annexation project to bring back to the Board of Supervisors and provide direction to staff in relation to working with the City of Santa Rosa and County departments on this project.

Supervisor Hermosillo's Role: Member

Unincorporated Governance

Provide input to staff to explore options to improve the delivery of governance services that are either lacking or insufficient in the unincorporated areas.

Supervisor Hermosillo's Role: Member

See Ad-Hoc Committee assignments for all Supervisors

Countywide Assignments

Aging Together

Serve as the steering committee for the County’s Aging Together initiative.

Supervisor Hermosillo's Role: Primary

First 5 Commission

The California Children and Families First Act of 1998 provided for the creation of a county Commission charged with promoting, supporting and improving the early development of children from the prenatal stage through five years of age. The Commission, now called First 5 Sonoma County Commission, was established by the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors in December 1998.

Supervisor Hermosillo's Role: Alternate

Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO)

A separate government agency established by state law to oversee orderly development of the county related to the boundaries of local governments. LAFCO can approve or deny annexations or changes to these boundaries and can make determinations allowing the provision of services by a local government outside of its boundary.

Meets monthly the first Wednesday.

Supervisor Hermosillo's Role: Primary

Sonoma Clean Power Authority

Sonoma Clean Power (SCP) is the new, locally controlled electricity provider in Sonoma County. SCP provides residential and business customers across the county the option of using environmentally friendly power, generated by renewable sources, like solar, wind and geothermal. At competitive rates. SCP is a non-profit agency, independently run by the nine Sonoma County cities and the County, which represents unincorporated communities.

Supervisor Hermosillo's Role: Alternate

Sonoma County Homeless Coalition

The goal of Home Sonoma County is to achieve functional zero homelessness in Sonoma County through utilization of a Housing First strategy. Through Sonoma County’s homeless system of care, persons experiencing homelessness will be connected to permanent housing as quickly as possible possible by strategically targeting Rapid Re-housing and Permanent Supportive Housing as resources.

Supervisor Hermosillo's Role: Alternate

Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District

Board Chair and 1st District Supervisor required members.

Supervisor Hermosillo's Role: Primary

Zero Waste Sonoma  

The Sonoma County Waste Management Agency, formed in April 1992, is the joint powers authority of the nine incorporated cities and the County of Sonoma. The mission of the Agency is waste diversion required by State law AB939. The Agency's programs include household hazardous waste, composting, wood waste recycling, planning and education.

Supervisor Hermosillo's Role: Primary

See Countywide Assignments for all Supervisors

Regional Assignments

Association of Bay Area Governments

Acts as the official planning agency for the SF Bay region, with a mission to strengthen cooperation among local governments.

(Note: 2 year term 7/1/24-6/30/26)

Meets every other month on the third Thursday.

Supervisor Hermosillo's Role: Alternate

Bay Conservation Development Commission

Dedicated to the protection and enhancement of San Francisco Bay and its responsible use. Primary activities are planning the protection, enhancement, and restoration of wetlands; protecting wetlands, and balancing the protection of wetlands against other often high priority objectives. 

Meets monthly first and third Thursday.

Supervisor Hermosillo's Role: Primary

North Bay Watershed Association

A group of 15 regional and local public agencies located throughout Marin, Sonoma, and Napa counties whose mission is to facilitate partnerships across political boundaries that promote stewardship of the North Bay watershed resources.

Meets monthly on the first Friday.

Supervisor Hermosillo's Role: Primary

North Bay Water Reuse Authority – Sonoma County Water Agency Representative

Cooperative program in the North San Pablo Bay region that promotes sustainability and environmental enhancement by expanding use of recycled water.

(Note: No official term)

Meets quarterly on the third Monday.

Supervisor Hermosillo's Role: Alternate

North Bay Water Reuse Authority – Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District Representative

Cooperative program in the North San Pablo Bay region that promotes sustainability and environmental enhancement by expanding use of recycled water.

(Note: No official term)

Meets 5 times a year on the third Monday of January, March, May, August and November.

Supervisor Hermosillo's Role: Alternate

North Coast Resource Partnership

Coalition of Tribes and counties working together on integrated regional planning and project implementation to enhance natural resources, built infrastructure, local economies and community health in the north coast of California. Seven counties and North Coast Tribes comprise the leadership of the North Coast Resource Partnership (NCRP). Participating counties include: Del Norte County, Humboldt County, Mendocino County, Modoc County, Siskiyou County, Sonoma County, Trinity County.

(Note: The Board makes 2 appointments, do not need to be Board members. Per SCWA, commitment requires hard work and long road trips to Yreka and Eureka.)

Meets 4 times a year in January, April, July, and October.

Supervisor Hermosillo's Role: Primary 

See regional assignments for all Supervisors

State Assignments

CSAC Board of Directors

Committed to representing county government before the California Legislature, administrative agencies and the federal government. Places a strong emphasis on educating the public about the value and need for the programs and services of California’s 58 counties.

*Appointed November of each year.

(One year term - 11/2023-11/2024)

Supervisor Hermosillo's Role: Alternate

Santa Rosa Plain Groundwater Sustainability Agency

Formed to sustainably manage groundwater in the Santa Rosa Plain groundwater basin.

Supervisor Hermosillo's Role: Alternate

Petaluma Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency

Formed to sustainably manage groundwater in the Petaluma Valley groundwater basin.

Supervisor Hermosillo's Role: Primary

Sonoma Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency

Formed to sustainably manage groundwater in the Sonoma Valley groundwater basin.

Supervisor Hermosillo's Role: Primary

See state assignments for all Supervisors