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County Administrator's Office

For Immediate Release

Santa Rosa annual Veterans Day event moves outdoors this year

Santa Rosa,CA | November 10, 2020

Santa Rosa’s annual Veterans Day celebration will take place Wednesday, November 11, 2020  beginning at 11 a.m.

But, for the first time, the event will be held outdoors in order to assure safety during this time of COVID-19. The annual event to honor veterans of all ages will take place in the west parking lot of the Santa Rosa Veterans Memorial Building at 1351 Maple Avenue Santa Rosa.

The event, which has been authorized by Sonoma County Health Officer Dr. Sundari Mase, is being sponsored by the Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 223, Sonoma County Vet Connect and the Office of Sonoma County Supervisor Shirlee Zane.  

While the change from indoors to outdoors is new, the deep appreciation Sonoma County and the community of Santa Rosa has for veterans is not. The event, which will include a Color Guard and remarks by Supervisor Zane, Santa Rosa Mayor Tom Schwedhelm and others, is intended to recognize and salute all individuals in our own community who have served in any branch of the military.   

All members of the community are invited to attend. To ensure the safety of veterans and guests in attendance, all guests will be required to wear a mask and adhere to social distance protocols as required by state and county public health orders.
