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County Administrator's Office

For Immediate Release

Sonoma County to Hold Two Full-Scale Evacuation Exercises in  Mill Creek and Fitch Mountain

Santa Rosa,CA | October 15, 2019

Residents of the Mill Creek and Fitch Mountain communities are invited to participate in two upcoming evacuation drills. Each drill will take place from 8 A.M. to 10 A.M. and is part of a larger effort to prepare for wildfires and other potential disasters. Neighbors, community groups, local law enforcement and fire agencies, the City of Healdsburg, and the Department of Emergency Management are collaborating to make theses drills possible.

“After the 2017 fires, we heard from the community that planning and practicing evacuations is supremely important. In response, we’re delivering evacuation routes and drills to neighborhoods around the County,” said Fourth District Supervisor James Gore. “Mark your calendars, and prepare to be prepared.”

Residents wishing to participate in the exercise can sign up to receive an alert when the drill begins and find more information here. They will then practice evacuating their homes and driving through evacuation routes to the Healdsburg Community Center at 1557 Healdsburg Ave. At the assembly site, the American Red Cross will distribute information and answer questions on disaster preparedness.

The Department of Emergency Management is identifying other high priority areas within the county and will work with those communities to coordinate evacuation exercises. The high priority areas face a higher threat due to several variables, such as thick vegetation and limited access. 

See below for specific drill information:

Evacuation Exercise #1: Mill Creek Neighborhood
Date: Saturday, October 19
Time: 8:00 am – 10:00 am

Evacuation Exercise #2: Fitch Mountain Neighborhood
Date: Saturday, November 2
Time: 8:00 am – 10:00 am

You can learn more about emergency preparedness and sign up for alerts at
