Sonoma County Fair - 8/10/23
Date: August 10, 2023
Time: 12:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Location: Sonoma County Fairgrounds 1350 Bennett Valley Rd Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Registration Required: No
The Sonoma County Registrar of Voters plans to have a booth at the Sonoma County Fair on Thursday, August 10, from approximately noon until 9:00 p.m.
Take a tour of life-size animatronic dinosaurs at the Hall of Flowers! Take a spin on the ferris wheel! Eat mouth-watering food! Compete in a talent competition (in various categories like cakes, photography, woodworking, quilts, etc.)! Enjoy live music!
And then -- to top it all off -- come and visit the Registrar of Voters booth! You can update your voter registration (if you have a new residence address, want to change your political party, etc.), volunteer to be a poll worker, or just ask us any burning questions you may have about how the election process works in Sonoma County.