You have
Important Dates
Please refer to the Calendar page for Holidays that may affect our office hours.
Date | Event |
January 1 | The Lien Date, when property taxes become a lien on the property. This is also the date when filing begins for various exemptions. |
February 15 | This is the last date you can file a timely claim for the Welfare, Museum, Cemetery, Homeowner, Veteran, Disabled Veteran, Historical Aircraft, and various miscellaneous exemptions. This is also the last date you can file a timely claim for a Church or Religious Exemption, and this is the last date you can file a timely Affidavit for 4 Percent Assessment of Commercial Vessels. |
April 1 | This is the due date for filing Business Property Statements, Agricultural Property Statements, Apartment House Property Statements, and Mining and Quarrying Production Reports. It is set by the Assessor, and may vary from year to year. When mailed, these statements and reports must be postmarked by May 7 or they will be assessed a penalty. |
April 10 | The deadline for payment of the second installment of regular secured property taxes without penalty (other payment periods may apply for supplemental assessments and escaped assessments). |
May 7 | The final deadline for filing Property Statements. They must be either in our office, postmarked by the U.S. Post Office, or eFiled by this date. |
July 1 | The date each year on which the Assessment Roll is delivered by the Assessor to the County Auditor. |
July 2 to November 30 | The period during which the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors accepts applications for changes in assessments (appeals) for the regular Secured Assessment Roll (other filing periods may apply for supplemental assessments and escaped assessments). |
August 1 | This is the last date you can file for a claim for a partial exemption for the Historical Aircraft exemption and a partial exemption for the Commercial Fishing Vessel exemption. |
August 31 | The deadline for payment of unsecured property taxes without penalty. |
December 10 | The deadline for payment of the first installment of regular secured property taxes without penalty (other payment periods may apply for supplemental assessments and escaped assessments). This is also the "late filing" deadline for Homeowner Exemptions--the last day you can file and still qualify for a partial exemption. Disabled Veteran Exemption applicants can file after this date and still qualify for a partial exemption. |