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County Administrator's Office

For Immediate Release

Sonoma County approves Penngrove traffic study

SANTA ROSA, CA | August 09, 2022

The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors today approved a $500,000 funding agreement with the Sonoma County Transportation Authority to study traffic on the Railroad Avenue corridor in Penngrove.

Once complete, the study will provide analysis of existing traffic conditions in Penngrove and make recommendations for intersection improvements, congestion relief, and traffic calming solutions.

“We have heard our constituents' significant concerns over increased traffic disturbance in the Penngrove area,” said Supervisor David Rabbitt, whose district includes Penngrove. “This traffic study is the first step to a lasting solution for the community.”

The City of Rohnert Park’s General Plan recognizes traffic congestion problems in the community of Penngrove and commits the city to work with SCTA to implement a regional transportation mitigation program. In 2007, Rohnert Park annexed almost 300 acres directly north of Sonoma State University for residential development. As part of the annexation plan and associated development agreements, the city collects a regional traffic mitigation fee, which SCTA administers.

Sonoma County’s Transportation and Public Works Department will obtain full cost recovery for all involved department time and resources, including consultant costs associated with the traffic study. Once the effort to analyze traffic conditions in Penngrove is completed, recommendations for traffic calming solutions that are consistent with the County goal of creating resilient infrastructure will be presented.

Media Contact:
Matt Brown, Communications Specialist
(707) 565-3040
575 Administration Drive, Suite 104A
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
