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County Administrator's Office

For Immediate Release

Right of Entry Form for Phase 2 of State’s Consolidated Debris Removal Program Now Available

Right of Entry Form Deadline Set for December 15, 2020

Santa Rosa,CA | November 05, 2020

En español

Sonoma County fire survivors who have residential property that was destroyed or significantly damaged by the Walbridge, Meyers or Glass fires have the ability to access Phase 2 of the Consolidated Fire Debris Removal Program being offered by the State of California to ensure properties are left free of hazardous waste and debris. Residential property owners who would like to enroll in the state-sponsored program must submit a Right of Entry (ROE) form by close of business on December 15, 2020, in order to participate.  

Right of Entry forms can be downloaded from the County of Sonoma website at  An extensive list of answers to frequently asked questions and additional information on Phase 2 Debris Removal is also available on the website. Residents may determine if their property is eligible for the state-offered program by looking at the state’s eligibility chart. (PDF) 

The state-sponsored program will include removal of all structure debris, foundations, burned vehicles and soils will be tested to ensure the site is clean and safe for rebuilding. Any fire-damaged trees that are dead or are likely to die within the next five years and that present a safety hazard to work crews or are determined to present a hazard to the public right-of-way or public infrastructure will be removed from properties that sign up for the state-sponsored program.   

By submitting the Right of Entry form, residential property owners are granting permission for contractors, hired by the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES), to safely and efficiently undertake this work and clear the way for rebuilding. There is no cost to the property owner for the program. However, if property owners have homeowner’s insurance covering debris removal, they will be required to remit that portion of their insurance proceeds specifically reserved for debris.   

Residents can seek assistance with questions or completing their forms with the Sonoma County Environmental Health in a few different ways:  

Residents submitting their Right of Entry forms will need to include a copy of their government-issued ID and, if applicable, a copy of their insurance policy declaration page and debris removal coverage page and their Trust or LLC documents. Additionally, if a burned vehicle is also located on the fire-impacted property, a copy of the vehicle insurance must also be included with the submittal packet.   

Completed Right of Entry forms and associated paperwork should be returned to or submitted in-person to the Sonoma County Environmental Health Right of Entry Processing Center at 625 5th Street in Santa Rosa.  

As an alternative to the state-sponsored program, residents can opt out of this program by applying for private debris removal, which allows property owners to hire a properly licensed contractor to complete the work that must comply with standards set forth by the County of Sonoma and City of Santa Rosa, depending on jurisdiction. Due to the importance of critical and timely cleanup of hazardous waste and debris left from the fires, the deadline for residents to sign up for either the state-sponsored program or the private cleanup option is December. 15, 2020

For more information, visit
