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Board of Supervisors Department

For Immediate Release

Permitted Open Burning Allowed

Santa Rosa,CA | November 17, 2015

 Sonoma County Fire and Emergency Services Chief Al Terrell advises that those possessing current and valid agriculture and residential burn permits in Local Response Area’s (LRA) can now resume burning. Burning may only be conducted on permissible burn days, which are updated regularly on the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s website:

Please remember that Agriculture burns must be inspected by CAL FIRE or the local Fire Jurisdiction in the LRA prior to burning. Inspections may be required for burns other than agriculture burns as well. This can be verified by contacting your local Air Quality Management District.

Burn permits will be required until the end of peak fire season. While cooler temperatures have helped to diminish the threat of wildfire, we are still in our fourth year of drought. Property owners and residents are asked to use caution when burning, follow all guidelines provided, and maintain control of the fire at all times. Individuals can be held civilly and/or criminally liable for allowing a fire to escape their control or burn onto neighboring property.

Pile Burning Requirements

  • Only dry, natural vegetative material such as leaves, pine needles and tree trimmings may be burned.
  • The burning of trash, painted wood or other debris is not allowed.
  • Do NOT burn on windy days.
  • Piles should be no larger than four feet in diameter and in height. You can add to pile as it burns down.
  • Clear a 10 foot diameter down to bare soil around your piles.
  • Have a shovel and a water source nearby.
  • An adult is required to be in attendance of the fire at all times.

Safe residential pile burning of forest residue by landowners is a crucial tool in reducing fire hazards. State, Federal and Local land management and fire agencies will also be utilizing this same window of opportunity to conduct prescribed burns aimed at improving forest health on private and public lands.
