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County Administrator's Office

For Immediate Release

Kincade Fire Debris Removal Completion Deadline Extended to August 1, 2020

Santa Rosa,CA | May 05, 2020

En Espanol

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, and the Shelter-In-Place Orders issued by the Sonoma County Public Health Officer, many property owners who have submitted applications and site work plans are experiencing delays in completing debris removal on their property. Therefore, the completion deadline for cleanup is being extended from May 15, 2020 to August 1, 2020.

Sonoma County is also reminding property owners whose homes or structures were destroyed by the Kincade Fire that the deadline to submit an application and site work plan for fire debris removal was January 31, 2020. Most property owners have already completed necessary documentation and the County encourages property owners who have not submitted applications and plans to contact the County immediately.

For further assistance, property owners can contact Environmental Health, at (707)-565-6700 or
