Special Presentation: Wendy Wheelright presents . . .
Sonoma County Resilience and the Importance of Trauma Informed Care

March 17, 2020 – 5:00-7:00 PM
Wellness and Advocacy Center
2245 Challenger, Suite 104, Santa Rosa
March 17 Topic: Trauma-Informed Basics
- What is Trauma, how does trauma impact a person?
- How do you design service systems that are sensitive to humans?
- Sonoma County Mental Health Peer Speakers
- John Lyhne, Senior Peer Counselor
- Erika Klohe, St. Joseph’s Health
Wendy Wheelwright has been a skilled clinician within Community Mental Health for the past 20 years. She is currently the Project Manager for HOPE Sonoma, a program to support the emotional recovery of disaster survivors.
Additionally, she serves as the Quality Improvement Manager for Sonoma County Behavioral Health Division, overseeing system level policy and process improvements.
Prior to assuming her role at Sonoma County, she worked with Progress Foundation overseeing the start-up, day-to-day operation, and expansion of the Crisis Residential Unit from a single 6-bed program to multiple 10-12 bed programs.
Wendy also has extensive experience as a Forensic Therapist, working with mandated treatment programs, Probation, CPS, and Victim Assistance. She maintains a small private-practice in Santa Rosa, specializing in Trauma-Based Disorders.