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Mental Health Board Meeting

Date: March 17, 2020

Time: 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Wellness and Advocacy Center
2245 Challenger Way
Suite 104
Santa Rosa, CA 95407

Registration Required: No

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Meeting Cancelled due for Coronavirus Spread Prevention

  1. Call to Order & Roll Call (5:00 PM)
  2. Approval of Minutes of previous meetings: (5:10 PM)
    November 19, 2019 and January 21, 2020.
  3. Consumer Affairs Report: Consumer news, issues, concerns – Kate Roberge and/or guests (5:15 PM)
  4. Peers Coalition Intern Report on activities at Santa Rosa Junior College (5:20 PM)
  5. Board Planning/Other Reports (including CALBHB/C and Program Assessment Matrix (PAM Ad hoc) (5:25 PM)
    • Next month's meeting on April 21, 5:00 PM: Sonoma County Resilience and the Importance of Trauma-Informed Care – Focus on Children and Youth.
    • Mental Health Board Retreat, Saturday, May 16, 2020, 9:00 AM, at SCBH – The Hub Conference Room, 2245 Challenger Way.
    • MHSA Plan Update/Public Hearing is May 27 (Wednesday), 5:00 PM, at the Finley Center, Person Large Auditorium.
  6. Special Presentation:Sonoma County Resilience and the Importance of Trauma-Informed Care – March: Trauma-Informed Basics (Presenter: Wendy Wheelwright and Panelists) (5:30 PM)
  7. Public Comments/Concerns/Accomplishments (Please limit to 3 minutes per speaker) (6:40 PM)
  8. Wrap-Up (6:55 PM)
  9. Adjournment (7:00 PM)

Public Comments

You may email public comment to no later than five days prior to the meeting. All emailed public comments will be forwarded to all Board Members. During the meeting, if you have joined as a member of the public in the Zoom app or by calling in, there will be specific points throughout the meeting assigned to public comment.

Reasonable Accommodation

If you have a disability, which requires an accommodation or an alternative format to assist you in observing and commenting on this meeting, please contact the Clerk of the Mental Health Board at (707) 565-4854 or by email by 12:00 noon the Friday before the meeting to ensure arrangements for accommodation.


Materials related to an item on the Agenda submitted to the Mental Health Board after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the clerk’s office at 2227 Capricorn Way, Suite 207, Santa Rosa, CA 95407 during normal business hours, 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., weekdays.

Additional Information

For information, disability-related modification or accommodation, or to review materials prior to the meeting, please contact Behavioral Health Program Support, Department of Health Services, 2227 Capricorn Way, Suite 207 (mailing), Santa Rosa, CA  95407 (707) 565-4850,