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Executive Committee Meeting Notes for July 3, 2019


Attendance: Mary Ann Swanson, Bob Cobb, Bob Hales, Sherry Weyers, Preston Pierre

  1. MHB Treasurer’s Report
    Balance: $4,500.00
  2. Recruitment and Retention of MHB members
    Vacancies in Districts 3 (Zane) and 4 (Gore)  
  3. Board Planning: Special Topic – Local Guerneville/West County Issues
    Suggested September Special Topic Presentation:  Coordinated Specialty Care by One Mind Institute (Bill Carter).
  4. BH Director’s Report/DHS-BH Budget Update/Systems Transformation
  5. Public Hearing, 8/21/19, Wednesday, at Finley Center, Person Senior Wing
  6. Updates about scheduling a community forum on suicide prevention (Bob Hales and Bob Cobb)
  7. PAM Ad Hoc Committee Update
  8. Discuss change of time of MHB Executive Committee from Wednesday, 10:30 AM-12:00 PM and possibly change day of week for MHB meetings
  9. Conference Attendance Approvals
  10. Other Reports, including CALBHB/C and MHSA Steering  Committee
  11. Future topics to add to agenda
  12. Public Comment