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Department of Health Services

Summary of Place-Based Premature Death Disparities


A place-based approach to improving the health of the population targets smaller geographic areas and aims to address issues that exist at these levels. Table 7 compares regional rates of premature mortality to the Sonoma County average. Regions with statistically higher rates of premature mortality compared to the county are indicated by a yellow arrow. Areas with statistically lower premature mortality rates than the county are indicated by a green arrow. The goal of this table is to highlight place-based disparities by the leading causes of premature mortality. Identification of differences in premature mortality rates is one of the first steps in addressing place-based health disparities. At the same time, it is important to recognize that these nine communities are similar in that they all have cancer, unintentional injury, heart disease, and suicide within their top five leading causes of premature mortality.

Table 7. Top five leading causes of premature mortality+ by select geography, with comparison to the county rate, Sonoma County 2015-2017





Higher premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyHigher premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyHigher premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyHigher premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyRates were suppressed when there were fewer than 5 deaths per geography.
Santa RosaHigher premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyLower premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyHigher premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyHigher premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma County=
Russian River
Higher premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyHigher premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyLower premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma County=Rates were suppressed when there were fewer than 5 deaths per geography.
HealdsburgLower premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyHigher premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyHigher premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyLower premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyRates were suppressed when there were fewer than 5 deaths per geography.
Lower premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyHigher premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyLower premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyHigher premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma County=
Rohert Park=Higher premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyLower premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyLower premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma County=
WindsorHigher premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyLower premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyLower premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyLower premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyLower premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma County
PetalumaLower premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyLower premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyLower premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyLower premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyHigher premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma County
Sebastopol -
West County
=Lower premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyLower premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma CountyLower premature mortality rates compared to Sonoma County=

+Premature mortality is defined as years of potential life lost before age 75 (YPLL-75). Rates were age-adjusted.

*Rates were suppressed when there were fewer than 5 deaths per geography.

Geographies were defined by zip codes: Santa Rosa, 95401, 95403, 95404, 95405, 95407, 95409, 95439; Petaluma, 94952, 94954; Sonoma Valley, 95442, 95476, Rohnert Park, 94928; Sebastopol - West County, 94922, 94923, 95444, 95465, 95472; Windsor, 95492; Healdsburg, 95448; Cloverdale/Geyserville, 95425, 95441; Russian River Area, 95421, 95430, 95436, 95446, 95462, 95486.