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Department of Health Services

Sonoma County Prevention Partnership

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The mission of the Sonoma County Prevention Partnership is to enhance the wellbeing of our community by working collaboratively to develop population level strategies to address alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.


The Sonoma County Prevention Partnership is a county‐wide voluntary collaborative forum for planning and decision‐making for the promotion of health policy and advocacy efforts. The Partnership will engage stakeholders in a process to increase alcohol, tobacco and other drug policy and advocacy efforts. The Partnership will prioritize issues through regular meeting and issue specific subcommittees, and provide direction to:

  • Increase public awareness of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD) advocacy activities, issues, and potential solutions.
  • Advocate for health‐focused policies and practices in community environments
  • Build collaborative relationships with community groups and initiatives that support the Partnership mission, including Health Action; Sonoma County Friday Night Live Partnership; Student Assistance Program Collaborative; Upstream Investments; Collaboration on Positive Aging Sonoma County; City Match; Petaluma Coalition to Prevent Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Problems; West County Coalition for Alcohol and Drug Free Youth; other community coalitions, community based organizations, law enforcement agencies, schools, and healthcare providers.


  • To draft, create, and promote alcohol, tobacco, and other drug policies.
  • To advocate for local, statewide, and national policies to promote health and decrease the community burden of ATOD.
  • To collaborate with community partners and create healthy communities for Sonoma County residents.


  • Full Partnership meetings will be open to all members, and held approximately six times per year, or as needed.
  • Meetings of the issue specific subcommittees, Alcohol, Marijuana, and Prescription Drugs will be held monthly; Tobacco will meet quarterly, or as needed.