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Department of Health Services

Figure 9 in Table Format - Sonoma County Measures of Health 2015-2017



Table. Age-adjusted premature death (YPLL-75) rates by race/ethnicity and cause, three-year average, Sonoma County 2015-2017

Race/EthnicityYPLL-75 per 100,000
African American/Black624
American Indian/Alaska Native1771.2
Asian/Pacific Islander615.6
White, non-Hispanic929.1

Source: California Department of Public Health, California Integrated Vital Records System, 2015-2017; Accessed 4/8/2019.

Unintentional Injury  

Table. Age-adjusted premature death (YPLL-75) rates by race/ethnicity and cause, three-year average, Sonoma County 2015-2017

Race/EthnicityYPLL-75 per 100,000
Asian/Pacific Islander 296
Hispanic/Latino 625.5
White, non-Hispanic 989.2

Source: California Department of Public Health, California Integrated Vital Records System, 2015-2017; Accessed 4/8/2019.

Heart Disease  

Table. Age-adjusted premature death (YPLL-75) rates by race/ethnicity and cause, three-year average, Sonoma County 2015-2017

Race/EthnicityYPLL-75 per 100,000
African American/Black 745.1
Asian/Pacific Islander 510.2
Hispanic/Latino 300.2
White, non-Hispanic 495.1

Source: California Department of Public Health, California Integrated Vital Records System, 2015-2017; Accessed 4/8/2019.


Table. Age-adjusted premature death (YPLL-75) rates by race/ethnicity and cause, three-year average, Sonoma County 2015-2017

Race/EthnicityYPLL-75 per 100,000
White, non-Hispanic438

Source: California Department of Public Health, California Integrated Vital Records System, 2015-2017; Accessed 4/8/2019.

Chronic Liver Disease  

Table. Age-adjusted premature death (YPLL-75) rates by race/ethnicity and cause, three-year average, Sonoma County 2015-2017

Race/EthnicityYPLL-75 per 100,000
Hispanic/Latino 208.4
White, non-Hispanic 165.8

Source: California Department of Public Health, California Integrated Vital Records System, 2015-2017; Accessed 4/8/2019.


Table. Age-adjusted premature death (YPLL-75) rates by race/ethnicity and cause, three-year average, Sonoma County 2015-2017

Race/EthnicityYPLL-75 per 100,000
African American/Black 352.6
Asian/Pacific Islander 99.4
Hispanic/Latino 151
White, non-Hispanic 135.8

Source: California Department of Public Health, California Integrated Vital Records System, 2015-2017; Accessed 4/8/2019.


Table. Age-adjusted premature death (YPLL-75) rates by race/ethnicity and cause, three-year average, Sonoma County 2015-2017

Race/EthnicityYPLL-75 per 100,000
Hispanic/Latino 123.6
White, non-Hispanic 87.8

Source: California Department of Public Health, California Integrated Vital Records System, 2015-2017; Accessed 4/8/2019.