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County Administrator's Office

For Immediate Release

Fire Debris Removal Training for Contractors and Debris Haulers

Santa Rosa,CA | November 06, 2020

Sonoma County Environmental Health and the City of Santa Rosa, in partnership with CalRecycle and California Office of Emergency Services, will hold a virtual webinar training on Fire Debris Removal for contractors and waste haulers on Monday, November 16, 2020 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

The webinar will be held via Zoom and will educate contractors and haulers on the private cleanup process and proper procedures for debris removal for the Glass, Meyers and Walbridge fires in Sonoma County. To register for the Zoom webinar training

The City of Santa Rosa and County of Sonoma have previously announced that December 15, 2020is the deadline for property owners to sign up for one of two available options for Phase 2 debris removal on properties damaged or destroyed by the 2020 fires. Residential property owners may either opt into the State of California’s Consolidated Wildfire Debris Removal Program OR hire a properly licensed contractor to complete debris removal under guidelines set forth by the county and city (depending on jurisdiction). The virtual webinar training will cover the steps and requirements of the private debris removal process in detail to ensure those performing this work in Sonoma County are well-prepared to complete the process efficiently and safely.

Phase 1 Household Hazardous Waste sweeps are completed for the Walbridge and Meyers fires and are currently underway for the Glass fire. The state’s contractors expect to be finished by the week of December 4, 2020. Phase 1 sweeps must be completed and an approved application and work plan for private debris removal must be approved by either the county or city before Phase 2 debris removal work may begin on any property.

Applications for both the public program and the private debris removal Phase 2 cleanup options as well as other information including debris removal requirements and answers to frequently asked questions can be found at


Entity City of Santa Rosa County of Sonoma
Name: Adriane MertensStuart Tiffen
Phone:(707) 543-4777(707) 565-3040
