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County Administrator's Office

For Immediate Release

Expanded Drive-Through Coronavirus Testing Now Available

These free testing options are for at-risk groups only at present

Santa Rosa,CA | May 07, 2020

En Espanol

County officials have announced that drive-through the testing site operated by the Department of Health Services (DHS) Disease Control Unit will now be expanded to include five groups of high risk and vulnerable individuals:

  • Health care workers (with or without symptoms)
  • First responders (with or without symptoms)
    • First responders include people who provide 24/7 emergency response, first aid care, or other related assistance either in the course of the person’s occupational duties or as a volunteer and include:
      • Police officers
      • Firefighters
      • Paramedics and EMTs
      • Emergency Response Social Workers
  • Symptomatic people over 65 years of age
  • Symptomatic people with underlying health conditions
  • All essential workers (with or without symptoms)
    • Examples of essential workers include:
      • grocery store workers,
      • In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) caregivers,
      • construction workers,
      • utility workers
      • childcare providers,
      • or anyone who has continued to work under the Shelter in Place health order in an essential function.

County drive-through testing is available by appointment only by calling (707) 565-4667 and will be conducted at the Sonoma County Public Health Laboratory at 3313 Chanate Road in Santa Rosa. The testing is free for anyone in these groups.

“Having these options for testing puts us well on the way to our goal of 600-800 tests per day,” said Susan Gorin, Chair of the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors. “This expansion is part of a plan for a safe, gradual reopening in Sonoma County.”

County Drive-Through Testing is one of three ways for Sonoma County residents to be tested for coronavirus.

The other two testing options are:

Important to note for all testing locations is that testing is free and accessible to all regardless of immigration status. Currently, testing is not available for coronavirus antibodies. The available tests are for active cases of coronavirus only.

“Community-wide testing is a critical step toward re-opening the County,” said Dr. Sundari Mase, County Health Officer. “Expanded testing allows us to identify and increase our understanding of COVID-19 community spread. This includes collecting a broad sample of results, including data from those in specific groups and those who do not have symptoms. Upwards of 30% of people who test positive experience no symptoms, but can still spread the disease.”

Find latest updates regarding the coronavirus emergency, local resources, and other helpful information at Community members may also call 2-1-1 or text their zip code to 898-211 in order to text with a 2-1-1 operator.
