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Department of Emergency Management

Emergency Council Meeting

Date: May 04, 2021

Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Virtual Meeting
Santa Rosa, CA 95403

Registration Required: No

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The Emergency Council meets semi-annually to study, revise, and recommend to the Board of Supervisors for adoption the Sonoma County/Operational Area Emergency Plan. The Council also reviews and recommends action upon all proposed mutual aid agreements. The Council may also annually review goals and objectives for the County/Operational Area, recommend calling and conducting test exercises, and approve any of County/Operational Area funding distribution proposals (grants) as required by the State of California.

Via Zoom: Join Meeting
By phone:
1-(669) 900-9128
ID: 984 1722 5107
Passcode: 925827


  1. Roll Call / Opening Remarks
  2. Establish Quorum / Approve Agenda
  3. Approve Minutes July 2020
  4. Old Business
    1. COVID-19 Pandemic Response (July 2020)
    2. Revision of Council Mission & Membership (discussion, possible action) (Sept 2018)
    3. Evacuation Planning (July 2020)
  5. New Business
    1. 2020 LNU Lightning and Glass Fires
    2. Drought – 2021
    3. Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) – 2021
    4. Equity and Cultural Competency in Emergency Planning
  6. Continuing Business
    1. Operational Area Exercises and Training
    2. Homeland Security Grants
  7. Public Comment
  8. Member Announcements
  9. Adjourn

Meeting Documentation

Public Comment

Prior to the Meeting

Email Public Comment: To submit an emailed public comment to the Emergency Council: please email Please provide your name, the agenda item on which you wish to speak, and your comment. These comments will be emailed to all committee members and staff.

Written Public Comments: Submit letters prior to the meeting by mail addressed to: Department of Emergency Management, 2300 County Center Dr., Suite B220, Santa Rosa, CA 95403.

During the Meeting

Public Comment Using Zoom: Members of the public who join the Zoom meeting, either through the Zoom app or by calling in, may give a public comment at the end of the meeting or earlier if the Chair opens the public hearing for a specific agenda item. Please take the time to locate the raise hand feature in the app, press the Alt & Y keys together on your keyboard, or press *9 to raise and lower your hand when calling in. Your name, or phone number if you call in, will be announced when it is your turn to speak (one public comment is allowed per person with a time limit as provided by the chair).

Email Public Comment: Please email to submit public comment. Provide your name and your comment. Please note, it is advised to mail or email public comments in advance of the meeting date to give the council members and staff time to review. Emailed comments received during the hearing are distributed to the council members and staff, but are not read out loud into the record. All public comments received prior to, during, and after the hearing are saved to the project file.