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Community Development Commission

Sonoma County Housing Authority

For Immediate Release

Sonoma County Community Development Commission Hosts Public Meeting on the Roseland Village Neighborhood Center Proposals

Meeting to focus on gathering the community’s feedback on the development proposals

Santa Rosa,CA | June 22, 2015

The Sonoma County Community Development Commission (Commission) will host a community meeting on June 25, 2015 for the public to provide feedback on the preliminary proposals for the future development of the Roseland Village Neighborhood Center. This meeting is part of an ongoing effort to ensure local community insight remains core to the plans for the long-term future of the property. Food and beverages, as well as professional translation services and childcare, will be provided.   

Supervisor Efren Carrillo, who was raised in Roseland and represents the area, commented, "This is truly exciting to see this moment. Three different concepts will be brought to the community, and the residents of the area will help us move forward. The Roseland Village Neighborhood Center is a milestone investment in the future vitality of the entire Roseland community."   

The meeting will be held at the Roseland Accelerated Middle School Multi-purpose room at 1777 West Avenue, in Santa Rosa, from 6:00-8:30pm. The doors will open at 5:30pm.  

The Commission recently issued a "Request for Preliminary Proposals for Development of the Roseland Village Property (RFP)," in an effort to gather conceptual proposals for the redevelopment and revitalization of the site. Three proposals were submitted, and all featured elements of affordable housing, community spaces, commercial use, and a public plaza. The Commission is hosting the meeting in order for the public to hear about the proposals, and for the community to provide valuable feedback to the potential developers about what characteristics of their projects are most favored by the public. The proposals were placed on the Commission's Internet website and Facebook page in their entirety to ensure public access to the information. The responders to the RFP will be making the presentations at the June 25, 2015 meeting.  

The Commission acquired the property in 2011 as a priority area for affordable housing, pedestrian-oriented commercial development, and a public space was recommended to provide a venue for recreation, entertainment, and community events.  

Additional project information can be found on our website ( The Roseland Village Development Project) and our Facebook page ( ).    

The Commission is dedicated to promoting affordable housing, revitalizing communities, and supporting public services that increase economic stability for County residents.
