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County Administrator's Office

For Immediate Release

Board of Supervisors, County Administrator issue statement of support for Health Services Director Tina Rivera

SANTA ROSA, CA | November 13, 2023

The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors and County Administrator M. Christina Rivera today issued the following statement:

“Recent articles in The Press Democrat have inferred mismanagement by county staff. It’s important to recognize the challenging and complex work the County’s Health Department does. It’s also important to support and value the staff and leaders who are working to make positive change in our community. To that end, the Board of Supervisors and County Administrator want to make it clear that we wholeheartedly support Tina Rivera as she leads the over 700 Health Services Department employees in their mission to protect the health and well-being of our community.”

Media Contact: 
Paul Gullixson, Communications Manager
(707) 565-3040
575 Administration Drive, Suite 104A
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
