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Board of Supervisors Department

For Immediate Release

Applicants sought for advisory council overseeing child care, health and education initiatives funded by Measure I

SANTA ROSA, CA | January 28, 2025

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Applications are now being accepted for a new community advisory council that will oversee implementation of Measure I, the quarter-cent sales tax approved by Sonoma County voters in November to fund local child care, education and health programs for children.

The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors today approved the creation of the 11-member Child Care and Children's Health Community Advisory Council and opened applications for the new panel.

“This is an incredible opportunity to create real, lasting change in our community,” said Supervisor Lynda Hopkins, chair of the Board of Supervisors. “With a projected $30 million in new revenue each year, this is a chance to shape how we invest in improving the lives of our local children.”

Members of the new council must be appointed by March 20. To apply for a seat on the new advisory council, visit the County’s boards and commissions webpage at

Members of the community advisory council will include: 

  • Two local child care employees, one of whom is a worker from an early care and education center who works in the classroom, and one of whom is a family child care provider; 
  • Two parents and/or guardians of a child or children under the age of six, at least one of whom must have experience participating in a subsidized child care program or subsidy wait list; 
  • One administrator and/or director of a local Child Care Resource and Referral Agency; 
  • One administrator and/or director from an early care and education center participating in a state- or federally-subsidized child care program in Sonoma County; and 
  • Five members who represent pediatric and/or perinatal health and/or mental health care systems. It includes providers and administrators representing local hospitals, federally qualified health centers, community-based organizations, the Sonoma County Department of Health Services and other entities.

The community advisory council will review the annual audit of the Measure I tax fund and develop recommendations to implement programs and policies. Members will have opportunities to shape efforts to improve the quality and capacity of service providers, enhance community engagement, and promote transparency in the administration of the tax fund. The First 5 Sonoma County Commission will administer the tax and provide staff support for the new council.

The new Child Care and Children’s Health Tax takes effect April 1. Proceeds must be used to fund child care, preschool and early childhood education for low- and middle-income children and families in Sonoma County and to support the health care safety net for local children. 

UPDATE: Measure I increased the sales tax by a quarter-cent. An earlier version of this press release incorrectly described the size of the sales tax increase. 

Media Contact: 
Ted Appel, Communications Specialist 
(707) 565-3040 
575 Administration Drive, Suite 104A 
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
