Press Releases
County Storm Update 2: Evacuation Order Issued
The latest prediction from theCalifornia Nevada River Forecast Center indicates the Russian River will reachminor flood stages of 32 feet at 7 pm tonight, and it is anticipated that itwill peak at 11 pm tomorrow, February 27, at a crest of 46.1 feet atGuerneville. It is expected that the Russian River will recede below floodlevels, at 32 feet, at 10 pm on Thursday, February 28th.In response, theSonoma County Sheriff’s Office issued evacuation orders to residents livingnear the Russian River floodway and its tributaries through the Wireless EmergencyAlert system (WEA), SoCoAlert and other social media tools. If you are planningto evacuate, we recommend you evacuate now to help clear the roads foremergency vehicles this evening. Read full story
Actualización sobre Tormenta: Fuertes Lluvias Generan Nuevo Riesgo de Desbordamiento del Rio Russian, Inundaciones Repentinas y Deslizamientos en el Condado de Sonoma
El Servicio Nacional de Meteorología ha emitido varias alertas en relación a la tormenta invernal que pasa por el Condado de Sonoma desde este hoy hasta hasta el miércoles 27 de febrero en la noche. Las lluvias y fuertes vientos que se pronostican generan un riesgo significativo de que el rio Russian se desborde, y que hayan inundaciones repentinas y derrumbes de tierra a lo largo del Condado de Sonoma, incluyendo las áreas quemadas por los incendios de octubre de 2017. Read full story
County Storm Update: Heavy Rain Brings Back Risk of Russian River Flooding, Flash Floods and Mudslides to Sonoma County
The National Weather Service has issued several alerts due to the strong winter storm forecasted to pass over Sonoma County today through Wednesday night, February 27, 2019. With the forecasted wind and rain, there is a significant risk for Russian River flooding, flash floods and mudslides across Sonoma County, including the areas that burned in the October 2017 wildfires. Read full story
Actualización sobre Tormenta #5: Recursos para Limpieza de Desechos
Conel fin de asistir a los residentes y negocios afectados por la inundación delrío Russian, el Departamento de Transporte y Obras Públicas del Condado deSonoma, en colaboración con Recology, facilitará dos espacios durante lospróximos dos fines de semana para deshacerse de los desechos que trajo lainundación. Read full story
Sonoma County Storm Update 5: Debris RemovalResources
To assist residents and businesses affected by Russian River flooding, Sonoma County Transportation and Public Works Department in collaboration with Recology will provide two debris removal clean-up events over the next two weekends. In addition, Sonoma County Waste Management Agency will provide the opportunity to dispose of toxic materials at one location on Tuesday, March 12th, from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Read full story
Sonoma County Storm Update 4: Damage Assessments to Begin
With the Atmospheric River no longer a threat to residents, Sonoma County closed its Emergency Operations Center (EOC) at 12 p.m. today. Although the EOC is closing for this storm, Emergency Management staff will continue to work with partner agencies to monitor conditions. The evacuation advisory issued yesterday for low-lying areas along the Russian River remains in effect until 10:00 p.m. this evening. Read full story
Actualización sobre Tormenta #4: Comienza la Evaluación de Daños
El Condado de Sonoma desactivó su Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia (EOC) hoy a las 12 p.m. debido a que el Rio Atmosférico que pasó por nuestra zona ya no es considerado un peligro para los residentes del condado. Aunque el Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia fue cerrado, personal del Departamento de Manejo de Emergencias continúa trabajando con otras agencias para seguir monitoreando la situación. Las evacuaciones voluntarias emitidas ayer para residentes de terrenos bajos cercanos al Rio Russian continúan en efecto hasta las 10 de la noche de hoy. Read full story
County Storm Update #2:
The latest forecast from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration indicates the Russian River will reach flood stages in Guerneville at 10 am on Thursday, February 14th. Read full story
Actualización sobre Tormenta #2:
The latest forecast from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration indicates the Russian River will reach flood stages in Guerneville at 10 am on Thursday, February 14th. Read full story
County Storm Update 3: Advisory Evacuation Notice
The latest prediction from the California Nevada River Forecast Center indicates the Russian River has now reached minor flood stages, and it is anticipated that it will peak at 1 am tomorrow, February 15, at a crest of 36 feet at Guerneville. It is expected that the Russian River will recede below flood levels, at 32 feet, at 10 pm on Friday, February 15. Read full story