Updated OWTS Manual Now in Effect
Updated OWTS Manual Now in Effect Read full story
County Supervisors Approveand Fund Cannabis Ordinance Update Part II
County Supervisors Approveand Fund Cannabis Ordinance Update Part II Read full story
July SoCo Correspondent
On July 9th, County Supervisors and staff participated in a quarterly workshop to learn how they can enhance their abilities to respond to a major emergency or disaster.Please share the Correspondent with your family and friends, and if you have any ideas of how we can improve the newsletter or other outreach efforts please send us your thoughts to Read full story
City, County Reach Agreement with Homeless Advocateson Preliminary Injunction
Working together to expedite and attempt to resolve apending federal lawsuit, the County of Sonoma, the Sonoma County CommunityDevelopment Commission, and the City of Santa Rosa have reached an agreement withHomeless Action! and three individuals experiencing homelessness for apreliminary and temporary injunction. Read full story
Supervisors Approve and Fund Cannabis Ordinance Update Part II
Supervisors Approve and Fund Cannabis Ordinance Update Part II Read full story
Supreme Court Decision on the Census
OnJune 27, 2019, the Supreme Court of the United States issued a ruling blockingthe citizenship question from appearing on the 2020 census questionnaire for atleast the time being. Read full story
June SoCo Correspondent
Sonoma County residents are encouraged to attend Budget Hearings and provide input about the recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2019 - 2020.Please share the Correspondent with your family and friends, and if you have any ideas of how we can improve the newsletter or other outreach efforts please send us your thoughts to Read full story
May SoCo Correspondent
The County of Sonoma was recognized by the National Association of Counties (NACo) with two Achievement Awards for the Recovery and Resiliency Framework, and the Accessing Coordinated Care and Empowering Self-Sufficiency (ACCESS) initiative. The awards honor innovative, effective county government programs that strengthen services for residents.Please share the Correspondent with your family and friends, and if you have any ideas of how we can improve the newsletter or other outreach efforts please send us your thoughts to Read full story
An alarming decline in Sonoma County’s population
Sonoma County lost something even more vital than housing to the 2017 wildfires. We said goodbye to about 3,300 neighbors. Read full story
Local nonprofit seek to boost census participation
Sonoma County has partnered with United Way of the Wine Country to boost participation in the 2020 census among historically undercounted residents in the county, including Latinos, children and renters. Read full story