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County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County Cannabis Program

Visioning Sessions, Community Meetings, & Public Meetings

Public Informational Meeting - December 13, 2023

Permit Sonoma hosted two public informational meetings on December 13 to update the public on the development of the “residential enclaves” mapping and key program elements. The same information was presented at both meetings.

Link to Documents, PowerPoint Presentation, and Q&A Report (SoCo Cloud link)

Link to Zoom Webinar Recording

Link to interactive Cannabis Ordinance Update GIS map

Community Group Meetings

Visioning Sessions for Sonoma County's Cannabis Program

During the week of August 9, 2021, Sonoma County staff led two identical discussions on each of the following topics:  

Monday, August 9:  Land Use
Zoom Recordings: 11:30 AM Session / 5:30 PM Session

Tuesday, August 10: Safety Concerns
Zoom Recordings: 11:30 AM Session / 5:30 PM Session

Wednesday, August 11: Water Considerations
Zoom Recordings: 11:30 AM Session / 5:30 PM Session

Thursday, August 12: Visual Considerations
Zoom Recordings: 11:30 AM Session / 5:30 PM Session

SoCoCloud folder containing the PowerPoint Presentations (in both English and Spanish), Zoom Chat Text, and Questions & Answers Text.