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Clerk-Recorder-Assessor-Registrar of Voters

Historical Records Commission

Historical Records Commission Minutes March 17, 2022

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Members present:
Eric Stanley (Chair)
Margaret Purser (Vice-Chair)
Gretchen Emmert
Steven Lovejoy

Members excused:

Associate Members present:
Amanda King, Secretary
Deva Marie Proto, County Clerk-Recorder-Assessor-Registrar of Voters
Deborah Doyle, Library Commissioner (LC) Liaison to the HRC
Ann Hammond, Director, Sonoma County Library

Guests present:
Zayda Delgado, Supervising Librarian, History & Genealogy Library
Mikey Mueller, Land Surveyor
Ray Johnson, President, Sonoma County Historical Society and Boardmember, Sonoma County Genealogical Society
Nour Maxwell, CAO Policy, Grants, and Special Projects division

  1. Call to order 4:01 pm
  2. Introduction of Guests
    1. Introducing Zayda Delgado, Supervising Librarian at the History & Genealogy Library
  3. February 3, 2022 minutes approved
    1. Motion by Steven Lovejoy
    2. Second by Margaret Purser
    3. Approved
  4. Budget Discussion
    1. Balance is $3,905.52
  5. Continuing Business
      1. HRC Commissioners Report
        1. Margaret's report:
          • Working on pamphlet
        2. Steven's report:
        3. Gretchen's report:
          • Reviewed some historical records for City of Santa Rosa's sister-city in Cherkasy, Ukraine
        4. Eric's report:
          • No update
      2. Library Commissioner Report  
        1. Update by Deborah Doyle:
          • Visited the Yolo County Archives
          • Moving into budget season, looking at the 5-year re-imagining plan that was put together last year.
          • Question from Steven:
            • What is the status of filling the two vacant commissioners?
              • Deborah: The County needs to make an appointment and the City of Cloverdale needs to make an appointment.  I cannot tell you when an appointment will occur.
            • Noticed the Library is having a budget workshop on April 1.  Is there going to be any discussion during that workshop about funding for the Archives?
              • Ann: the item is covered under services and supplies.
        2. Update by Ann Hammond:
          • Visited the Yolo County Archives
          • Immersed in budget season.  Budget workshop on April 1 in the afternoon.  Budget will be presented to the Commission and focuses on how do we move forward in a post-pandemic world.
          • We have been tracking costs for the current management of the Archives
          • Comment from Nour Maxwell: Appreciates the Library working on providing a comprehensive picture of the cost associated with county archives management
        3. Update by Zayda Delgado about History & Genealogy Library:
          1. There are two staff vacancies and hoping we get those filled soon.
      3. Archives Activity Report
        1. Update by Ann Hammond and Nour Maxwell:
          1. Discussion on the status of the MOU or Agreement
          2. Ann to follow up with Geoffrey Skinner on the status of a public version of the Archives inventory
        2. Steven suggests moving forward with an Archives Activity Report that includes details of services rendered and volume of requests, who requested? Individual or County, and what types of materials are being requested.
          1. Zayda will begin to provide these reports.  
          2. Currently, about 30 requests a month from private individuals.  No requests from County departments for the prior month.
          3. Nour would like to find out over a multi-year period, maybe 10 years to present, to understand trends in volumes being sent for the County Archives.
        1. Strategic Planning
          1. Secretary to remove from future Agendas
        2. Collections & Archives Recognition Awards
          1. Sonoma County Historical Society Annual Meeting & Awards Luncheon, Sunday, March 20, 2022, 11:00AM-2:00PM, Flamingo Hotel
            1. Press release will go out Friday, March 18, 2022
        3. Outreach
          1. Update on the 2004 HRC/Landmarks Commission Pamphlet, “ Researching the History of Your Sonoma County Building”:
            1. Update by Margie Purser:
              • John Murphey will continue to help with the project and we will need to scale it back from our original vision.
              • The parts of the document that John was going to revise or re-write, I have now taken over and he will edit and review.
              • Hope to be able to make available as a PDF with embeded links by May 1.
              • Landmarks Commission is now on board and they are re-drafting the section of the document related to Landmark listings.
          2. Other California County Historical Records Commission
            1. Gretchen to compile the data we have gathered.
          3. Sonoma County Historical Society 60th Anniversary and Sonoma County Finding History Day, Saturday, August 6, 2022, Finley Community Center, 10AM-2PM
            1. Motion to register for the event and sign up for an 8-foot table by Margaret Purser
            2. Second by Gretchen Emmert
            3. Approved
            4. Secretary to submit form to Ray Johnson
        4. HRC member re-appointments
          1. Margaret and Gretchen were re-appointed for 4 years on 3/15/2022 through 3/1/2026.
        5. HRC member vacancy
          1. Mikey Mueller, Land Surveyor for 15-20 years.  Use maps and historical records every day.  Co-Chair of the Local Land Surveyors Historical Records
            1. Motion to provide HRC recommendation to the BOS to review Mikey's application for appointment by Steven Lovejoy
            2. Second by Margaret Purser
            3. Approved
            4. Secretary to provide HRC recommendation to the BOS
      4. New Business
        1. Steven would like the HRC to encourage the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to provide the original volumes of the Board Minutes prior to 1906 to the County Archives.
      5. Public Comment
        1. Press Democrat requesting information from the County Recorder on the law passed by Assembly Bill 1466 regarding Restrictive Covenant Modification.
        2. Sonoma County Heritage Network Meeting, April 9, 2022, 10AM-12PM, Location TBA
        3. Library Commission meeting, April 4, 2022, 6pm, on ZOOM   
        4. Museum of Sonoma County Exhibits:  
          1. Light, Clay, and Copper: Mid-Century Arts and Crafts in Sonoma County, August 20, 2021-Ongoing:
          2. Agency: Feminist Art and Power, January 22, 2022-June 5, 2022
          3. Year of the Tiger: Chinese Traditions in Sonoma County, 1890-2022, February 5, 2022-Ongoing
          4. Manzanar: The Wartime Photographs of Ansel Adams, February 19, 2022-May 29, 2022
      6. Meeting adjourned at 5:15PM

      Next Meeting - April 14, 2022 - ZOOM, 4:00PM