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Clerk-Recorder-Assessor-Registrar of Voters

Historical Records Commission

Historical Records Commission Minutes February 3, 2022

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Members present:
Margaret Purser (Vice-Chair)
Gretchen Emmert
Steven Lovejoy

Members excused:
Eric Stanley (Vice-Chair)

Associate Members present:
Amanda King, Secretary
Deva Marie Proto, County Clerk-Recorder-Assessor-Registrar of Voters
Deborah Doyle, Library Commissioner (LC) Liaison to the HRC
Ann Hammond, Director, Sonoma County Library

Guests present:
Nour Maxwell, CAO Policy, Grants, and Special Projects division
Jay Gamel, recently retired from Kenwood Paper

  1. Call to order 4:06 pm
  2. Introduction of Guests
  3. January 13, 2022 Minutes approved
    1. Motion by Steven Lovejoy
    2. Second by Gretchen Emmert
    3. Approved
  4. Budget Discussion
    1. Balance is $3,905.52
  5. Continuing Business
      1. HRC Commissioners Report
        1. Steve's report:
          • Margaret and Steve met with Nour to discuss the Archives and HRC
        2. Margaret's report:
          • No update
        3. Gretchen's report:
          • No update
          • Will work on the list for Steve; waiting for Eric to send to her
      2. Library Commissioner Report  
        1. Update by Deborah Doyle:
          • Will let Ann provide the update
          • When we use the term "archives" in our discussions we need to be clear as to what that means.
          • Two Commissioners have resigned; Commissioners Foxen and Mulford.  Cloverdale and Sonoma County will be looking for Commissioners.  We hope to represent the diversity in Sonoma County.
        2. Update by Ann Hammond:
          • Nour met with Library staff for a tour of the temporary Archives storage facility on Westwind Blvd
          • Had a ZOOM meeting with Nour and Library Staff to discuss long-term plans
          • Updates on Staff at the H&G Library:
            • Zayda Delgado, promoted to Supervising Librarian
            • Joanna Kolosov, resigned
      3. Archives Activity Report
        1. Report out on information gathering meeting between Nour Maxwell, County Administrator's Office, and Steven and Margaret.
        2. Steve: Question on status of the MOU
          1. Nour: At this time, I have not received any information about a new MOU.
        3. Nour: Will provide updates as information becomes available.  I am just holding conversations and listening to everyone.  There are no definitive options and all ideas are welcome.  Looking for practical and cost-effective solutions.
        1. Strategic Planning
          1. Postpone until more information is known about the Archives.
        2. Collections & Archives Recognition Awards
          1. Sonoma County Historical Society Annual Meeting & Awards Luncheon, Sunday, March 20, 2022, 11:00AM-2:00PM, Flamingo Hotel
            1. Decision on whether the luncheon will continue on the proposed date postponed until early March.
            2. Margaret sent out press release draft to HRC members.  Has questions on the language for awardees.  Steve and Margaret to work on this together.
              1. Secretary to determine rules for issuing a Press Release
        3. Outreach
          1. Update on the 2004 HRC/Landmarks Commission Pamphlet, “ Researching the History of Your Sonoma County Building”:
            1. Update by Margie Purser:
              • With John Murphey stepping away from the HRC, we are readjusting the assignments.
              • Aiming for April 1 draft
              • Gretchen available to edit the document and review for organization for ease of use.
          2. Other California County Historical Records Commission
            1. No update
      4. New Business
        1. Discussion on re-appointment of HRC Commissioners Margaret and Gretchen, term expires on 3/1/2022.
        2. Discussion on appointment to Vacancy on the HRC
          1. Secretary to send out HRC Vacancy information and Commission Application to the Heritage Network distribution list.
      5. Public Comment
        1. Sonoma County Historical Society sent an email on 2/1/2022 to the Heritage Network about summer 2022 event to celebrate SCHS 60th Anniversary. Event will be a heritage day including all of the historical societies, cultural organizations, museums and pertinent groups. They are requesting to know if we are planning any events or programs over the summer so the dates do not conflict. Also requesting sponsors to defray venue and advertising costs. Requesting volunteers to help in all areas.
          1. Secretary to add to the next agenda under Outreach.
        2. Sonoma County Heritage Network Meeting, April 8, 2022, 10AM-12PM, Location TBA
        3. Library Commission meeting, February 7, 2022, 6pm, on ZOOM   
        4. Museum of Sonoma County Exhibits:  
          1. Go Big or Go Home: Taking Measure of Sonoma County's Past, May 1, 2021-Ongoing:
          2. Light, Clay, and Copper: Mid-Century Arts and Crafts in Sonoma County, Ongoing:
          3. Agency: Feminist Art and Power, January 22, 2022-June 5, 2022
          4. Lunar New Year Celebration, February 5, 2022, 1:30PM
          5. Year of the Tiger: Chinese Traditions in Sonoma County, 1890-2022, February 5, 2022-Ongoing
      6. Meeting adjourned at 4:51PM

      Next Meeting - March 10, 2022 - ZOOM, 4:00PM