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Clerk-Recorder-Assessor-Registrar of Voters

Historical Records Commission

Historical Records Commission Minutes April 14, 2022

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Members present:
Eric Stanley (Chair)
Margaret Purser (Vice-Chair)
Gretchen Emmert
Steven Lovejoy

Members excused:

Associate Members present:
Amanda King, Secretary
Deva Marie Proto, County Clerk-Recorder-Assessor-Registrar of Voters
Ann Hammond, Director, Sonoma County Library

Guests present:
Zayda Delgado, Supervising Librarian, History & Genealogy Library
Mikey Mueller, Land Surveyor
Joyce Sayed, retired County of Sonoma Records Center Manager
Nour Maxwell, CAO Policy, Grants, and Special Projects division

  1. Call to order 4:01 pm
  2. Introduction of Guests
  3. March 17, 2022 minutes approved
    1. Motion by Margaret Purser
    2. Second by Gretchen Emmert
    3. Approved
  4. Budget Discussion
    1. Balance is $3,905.52
  5. Continuing Business
      1. HRC Commissioners Report
        1. Steven's report:
          • Attended Sonoma County Historical Society meeting and presented the four Collections and Archives Recognition Awards and they were received well. All the awardees were appreciative of the recognition.
        2. Margaret's report:
          • No update
        3. Gretchen's report:
          • No update
        4. Eric's report:
          • No update
      2. Library Commissioner Report  
        1. Update by Ann Hammond:
          • Recruiting for two vacant Library Commissioner positions. Contact the appropriate JPA partner if interested in applying.
          • Moving toward the end of the Fiscal Year, starting the new Fiscal Year
          • Budget to be discussed at the May LC meeting. Looking to adopt the budget at the June LC meeting.
          • Library Staff met today to brainstorm what needs to be included in a potential MOU between the Library and the County. Will meet with Nour to go over the notes.
          • Ann will be retiring as of July 11, 2022
      3. Archives Activity Report
        1. Update by Zayda Delgado:
          • Month of March: 31 requests from community members and 0 requests from the County. These were all reference and access requests.
          • H&G has filled the two librarian positions; Simone Kremkau is now Librarian and Joanna Kolosov has returned.
          • H&G needs to fill two vacancies; hopefully in the next few weeks.
          • Kate Deadder, former H&G library associate, has left H&G to become librarian at the Central Santa Rosa Library
        2. Ann to follow up with Geoffrey Skinner on the status of a public version of the Archives inventory
          • Ann followed up by email next day: The plan is to have the Archives catalog available through the ArchivesSpace site. Hoping to have it in place by summer but it is a ways off.  It is currently a working document under weekly revision and will be transformed into something useful when it goes on ArchivesSpace.
      4. Collections & Archives Recognition Awards
        1. Will need to begin planning for the 2022 Awards
      5. Outreach
        1. Update on the 2004 HRC/Landmarks Commission Pamphlet, “ Researching the History of Your Sonoma County Building”:
          1. Update by Margie Purser:
            • Made decisions about which parts of the document needed the most re-working.
            • Two big components left to do: embedding hyperlinks to all resources
            • Aiming for the Sonoma County Finding History Day as a release.
        2. Other California County Historical Records Commission
          1. Gretchen is compiling the information
        3. Sonoma County Historical Society 60th Anniversary and Sonoma County Finding History Day, Saturday, August 6, 2022, Finley Community Center, 10AM-2PM
          • Review brochures and pamphlet for updates
          • Museum of Sonoma County will have a table
          • H&G Library will know more soon about their attendance
          • Deva Marie Proto to be a speaker
          • Gretchen to see if City of Santa Rosa has anything to add
          • California Land Surveyors Association (CSLA) will have a table
        4. HRC member vacancy update
          • Secretary provided HRC recommendation to the BOS to review Mikey's application for appointment
          • No further update at this time
    1. New Business
      1. Clerk of Board of Supervisors pre-1906 BOS Meeting Minutes
        1. Steven emailed the Chief Deputy Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Marcie Woychik, and she wrote back enthusiastically and they would be more than happy to put them in the Archives. They have digitized them and working on making them available to the public.  Marcie to send the measurements of the items and I have connected her with Zayda.
        2. Zayda to check in with Marcie on the status
    2. Public Comment
      1. Gretchen located an original glass negative of the construction of the Sonoma County Courthouse circa 1910. Eric checking into whether or not the Museum of Sonoma County may take this original glass negative.
        1. Steve sent a note to Don Silverek who is an expert in this material and included Gretchen.
      2. Eric received request for the records of the Sonoma County Hop Growers Association, which formed as early as the 1860s. The researcher had been unable to locate any actual records of the organization other than mentions in the newspaper and a single document from the early 1900s.
      3. Steve received a request regarding Bob Curtis’ surveying records, held by his son, and wanted to make sure Mikey was aware of the request.
      4. Sonoma County Heritage Network Meeting, July 9, 2022, 10AM-12PM, Petaluma Historical Library and Museum
      5. Library Commission meeting, May 2, 2022, 6pm, on ZOOM   
      6. Museum of Sonoma County Exhibits:  
        1. Light, Clay, and Copper: Mid-Century Arts and Crafts in Sonoma County, August 20, 2021-Ongoing:
        2. Agency: Feminist Art and Power, January 22, 2022-June 5, 2022
        3. Year of the Tiger: Chinese Traditions in Sonoma County, 1890-2022, February 5, 2022-Ongoing
        4. Manzanar: The Wartime Photographs of Ansel Adams, February 19, 2022-May 29, 2022
      7. 2022 California Preservation Conference, Opening Doors, Tuesday, June 7, 2022 – Sunday, June 12, 2022, Online and In-Person throughout the state
    3. Meeting adjourned at 4:38PM

    Next Meeting - May 12, 2022 - ZOOM, 4:00PM