Information for CHW Employers and Allies
The Community Helath Worker Core Competency Project (C3 Project) offers a single set of CHW roles and competencies for reference by those both inside and outside the field as they work to build greater support for and sustainability among CHWs in all settings. Central to the C3 Project’s work was the analysis of previously accepted CHW roles and competencies from the National Community Health Advisor Study compared to current benchmark documents. This crosswalk led to the development of a contemporary list of recommended roles and competencies. (The term “competencies” is used here to include skills and qualities.) The C3 Project is used by this grant project to further align training and program implementation locally. For more information and tools, please go to
CHW Program Development
The Community Health Worker Core Consensus Project (C3 Project)
CHW Supervision
Cool Tittle
CHW Funding
Saturday, July 16 Workshop: Understanding Trauma for Community Health Workers – Part II
CHW Advocacy
Saturday, June 11 Workshop: Understanding Trauma in Community Health Work
Sonoma County Department of Health Services and City College of San Francisco (CCSF) are collaborating to develop an exciting series of workshops to share new skills and insights with Sonoma County Community Health Workers (CHWs). These workshops are consistently offered in two sessions, English and Spanish. First in a series of three lessons dedicated to trauma and mental health lessons for CHWs, this workshop will address trauma, traumatic events and responses, trauma informed-practice, secondary trauma and self care strategies. The workshop is instructed by Tim Berthold, former Coordinator of the Community Health Worker Certificate Worker Program at CCSF, along with CHWs Blanca Goodman, Kaiya Kramer, and Chelene Lopez.