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Minutes for October 7 2020


* This meeting’s Zoom webinar audio recording will also be posted on the Mental Health Board web page as an attachment to these minutes.

Present:  Kathy Smith, Bob Cobb, Bob Hales, Sherry Weyers, Betzy Chavez, Peterson Pierre, Carol West, Becky Ennis, Shannon Barton-Wren, Mary Francis Walsh, Bill Carter (SCHB Director), Annabel Nygard (applicant for Dist. 3)Tori Bartholomew (co-recorder), Rhonda Darrow (co-recorder)
Guests: Saraisabel Virgen (Latino Services Provider), Carolyn, Gina and a caller.  


  • MHB Treasurer’s Report – Balance –$4500.00
  • Recruitment and retention of MHB members – One (1) vacancy in District 3 (Zane).                 
  • Approval of Minutes of 9/15/20 MHB meeting at 10/20/20 general meeting.
  • Discuss Board Planning:  Special Topic Presentation: Local Petaluma/South County Issues Carol West to check with Mary Ann Swanson and Fran Adams about invitations to speakers for Petaluma, i.e., Elece Hempel of Petaluma Peoples Services. Bill Carter to ask Sid McColley and Karin Sellite to present or ask for presenters to talk about SCBH services in the area.
  • Bylaws were voted on and the changes were approved. Changes were terms begin at the beginning of the year and changed wording from being 50% of the board and consumers to at least three of family members and at least three consumers for a total of 50%
  • BH Director’s Report/DHS-BH Budget Update/Systems Transformation Bill Carter has been working Glass Fire DOC; FEMA has COAD offering mental health services to the shelters; MST has been on standby; damage to Los Guilicos Village where residents moved to Alliance of the Redwoods, SSU non-congregate site and various other sites; PHF (psychiatric health facility) building at Los Guilicos was not damaged by fire--Bill projects opening in June 2021; SCBH Medical Director, Dr. Daniel Bleman, has been helping with struggling clients by calling in multi-disciplinary teams to assist.
  • Becky Ennis asked about the MHB Annual Report; Bill suggested that MHB reach out to Susan Gorin to add to BOS meeting agenda so members know when they could show up to speak about it; Kathy Smith is finishing up second MHB Annual Report (just needs pictures and asked members to again send); Kathy is busy on Tuesdays but Becky Ennis, Carol West and Bob Cobb offered to be in attendance of BOS meetings. Kathy requested item to be placed on 10/20 agenda to discuss further.
  • Carol West invited MHB members to attend BOS Gold Resolution on Thurs, 10/15--Sonoma County Peer Support Celebration Day Proclamation -- Kathy Smith said she would try to attend and represent MHB members. Carol West shared meeting information: Sonoma County Peer Support Celebration Day October 15, 2020
    Join Zoom Meeting
    Meeting ID: 727 552 8817
    Phone  In   +1 (669) 900 9128

    Celebrate the important work of peers in Sonoma County.
    Hear from people with lived experience in their own words how working as a peer support specialist has not only changed the lives of others but been part of their recovery story.
    Learn about newly passed SB 803 Peer Certification Bill
    BOS share the "Sonoma County Peer Support Celebration Day Proclamation"
    Hear from officials why they endorse Sonoma County Peer Support Celebration Day Proclamation"

    You can join for the whole event or pop in to the celebration as you have time

    For more information, please contact
    Sonoma County Peer Council (707) 763-3260 Office (707) 481-7965 mobile 
    GPSCD October 15 11;30am -2:00pm
  • Discussion on inviting BOS representative to MHB meetings twice a year; and changing the MHB meetings to third Wednesdays of month, as BOS meets on Tuesdays. Kathy Smith -  there will be no change of date of MHB general meeting to Wednesdays as this would exclude one of the current MHB members. Kathy to approach Sups. James Gore and Susan Gorin on how to get BOS representation at the meetings.
  • Draft report on Jail Mental Health Services. Bob Hales, Carol West and Mary-Frances Walsh presented the 25 page DRAFT report on Jail Mental Health Services. Pg 4-16--summaries of meetings; Pg 16-17 talked about potential collaborations:  1) peers' experiences; 2) CAHOOTS--mobile support team with no correctional officers; new BH wing at Jail with MHB input. Pg 17-20--master plans, grants; Pg 21-23--interfaces with SCBH services--meeting with Sid McColley; Pg 24-25--helpful links. Met with Jail discharge planner--very understaffed; inadequate housing, transportation and outpatient services after discharge. Patients Rights would like to be more involved in training of Jail and MST staff. Judges need to know more about diversion programs--lack of communication. Challenges with safety versus treatment--needs to be balanced for best chance in community after discharge. (Excellent report!) Get feedback from MHB members and intentions of next steps. Recommending Jail staff to present to other groups, agencies, etc. for good PR.
  • Sonoma County Jail Staff submitted their PowerPoint presentation and flyers to be added to September meeting minutes.
  • Other Reports (Including CALBHB/C and Ad hoc committees: PAM and Mental Health Services/Needs at Sonoma County Main Adult Detention Facility, October is in Petaluma. Check with Petaluma representatives and see what they think.
  • Discuss MHB acknowledging SCBH staff ongoing discussion. Such a large group of people, we can chose to honor one portion of it or honor everyone.  Possibly honoring a different part of the BH system monthly.
  • 2020 Data Notebook sent out to members on October 6, 2020 -- the topic will be the "Use of Telehealth during the 2020 Public Health Emergency" and will be requesting a quick turn around with your input. Bill Carter and Tori Bartholomew to reach out to Sonoma County Behavioral Health staff for assistance of numbers of clients in programs, etc.
  • Rescheduled the special presentations:  Sonoma County Resilience and the Importance of Trauma-Informed Care to November 17 and December 15, 2020. Wendy Wheelwright confirmed presenting November and December meetings. Members discussed that since everyone has been through so much trauma that maybe there will be other angles to look into. Kathy Smith, Sherry Weyers, Carol West and Betzy Chavez to discuss further with Wendy. There have already been St. Joseph's webinars presented by Laura Porter and Betzy Chavez can bring in speakers from Hanna Institute.
  • Conference Attendance Approvals
  • MHB Chair’s Report
  • Future topics to add to agenda
  • Public Comment         

Next MHB Meeting Agenda 10/20/2020 – Local Petaluma/South County Issues

  • Roll Call
  • Recruitment and retention of MHB members – One (1) vacancy in District 3 (Zane).
  • Approval of Minutes of 9/15/20
  • Consumer Affairs Report- Consumer news, issues, concerns – Kate Roberge/Guests
  • Discuss MHB acknowledging SCBH staff ongoing discussion. Such a large group of people, we can chose to honor one portion of it or honor everyone.  Possibly honoring a different part of the BH system monthly.
  • Rescheduled MHB meeting topics of the special presentations:  Sonoma County Resilience and the Importance of Trauma-Informed Care to November 17 and December 15, 2020. Wendy Wheelwright confirmed presenting November and December meetings.
  • Public Comments/Concerns/Accomplishments/Impact of Racial Disparities
  • Special Presentation:  Local Petaluma/South County Issues
  • Behavioral Health Director’s Report/BH Fiscal Update/Mental Health System Transformation
  • PEERS Coalition Intern Report on Activities at SRJC
  • Other Reports (Including CALBHB/C and Ad hoc committees: PAM and Mental Health Services/Needs at Sonoma County Main Adult Detention Facility
  • MHB Chair’s Report
  • Wrap-Up
  • Adjournment