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River Road Bridge Replacement over Gill Creek

River Road Bridge over Gill Creek

Sonoma Public Infrastructure's offices are now located at 400 Aviation Blvd, Suite 100, Santa Rosa, CA 95403.

General Information

Location: 22891 River Rd, Geyserville (Lat/Lon: 38.735432, -122.916093)

Sonoma County is currently working towards replacing the two-lane bridge over Gill Creek, on River Road, Geyserville. The bridge requires replacement due to scour deficiencies and seismic deficiencies.

The proposed new bridge will be a single span (no piers in the stream), precast concrete girder bridge, consisting of two 11 ft lanes and 2 ft shoulders. The new bridge will be constructed along a similar alignment to the existing bridge. The existing bridge will be removed during construction, with a temporary crossing installed downstream of the existing bridge to maintain traffic flow. The substructure shall consist of seat type abutments on footings with Cast-in-Drilled-Hole (CIDH) piles to minimize construction noise. Construction will be performed over a single season.

Project Goals, Status and Timeline

Project Goals:

  • Replace existing bridge with a bridge that meets modern design and construction standards.
  • Replace the existing bridge, with a new bridge that is wide enough to eliminate the scour issues.
  • Remove the existing weir structure and enhance the stream habitat.
  • Improve safety and access for drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, and emergency services

Project Status:

The project completed NEPA and CEQA in 2022.  The County has secured environmental permits.  Right of way acquisition process is underway.  The bridge design is currently at the 65% level.

Estimated Target Dates (subject to change):

  • NEPA Clearance spring 2022 (complete)
  • CEQA Clearance fall 2022 (complete)
  • Begin permitting September 2022 (complete)
  • Complete right of way acquisition November 2023
  • Begin Utility relocation December 2023
  • Begin Construction June 2025

Contact Information

Please direct any questions to Chet Jamgochian at