Sonoma Public Infrastructure
Sonoma Public Infrastructure's offices are now located at 400 Aviation Blvd, Suite 100, Santa Rosa, CA 95403.
Mission & Vision
Our Mission: to plan, build, manage, and maintain Sonoma County's investment in quality services and infrastructure.
Our Vision: Leading the way to a safe and sustainable community through stewardship and innovation.
The Airport Division operates the Charles M. Schulz Sonoma County Airport, located North of Santa Rosa, and connects customers to cities in Alaska, the lower 48 states, Hawaii, Canada, and Mexico.
Integrated Waste
The Integrated Waste Division owns the Sonoma County Central Landfill, which houses facilities for recycling, material reuse and natural gas and electricity generation. It owns five refuse transfer stations, oversees the regulation of two commercial hauling companies and maintains closed landfills.
- For disposal inquiries please contact (707) 795-1693.
The Roads Division is responsible for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the County-Maintained public road system, and administers numerous capital paving and road safety improvement projects every year.
The Transit Division administers Sonoma County Transit, Sonoma County's own public transportation system. This state-of-the-art fleet serves numerous locations across Sonoma County.
Water Systems
Water Systems administers service to four small districts: Fitch Mountain, Freestone, Jenner, and Salmon Creek.
Board of Supervisors approves construction of Arnold Drive bike lanes in Sonoma Valley
The Board of Supervisors today approved a project to construct on-road bicycle lanes along approximately two miles of Arnold Drive between Country Club Drive and Madrone Road in Sonoma Valley. The project, which is expected to get underway in 2025, will improve safety and mobility for pedestrians and bicyclists. The plan also aligns with County goals for safe bicycle ridership and infrastructure, zero-emission transportation options, and the Sonoma County Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan.