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Road Data & Resources

Paved Road 2

Sonoma Public Infrastructure's offices are now located at 400 Aviation Blvd, Suite 100, Santa Rosa, CA 95403.

Construction Standards

Utilities and other construction companies are required to conform to Sonoma County Construction Standards when doing any construction on Sonoma County roads.

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Functional Classification

Find out how streets and highways are categorized according to the volume, connectivity, and intended usage.

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Interactive Maps

Browse through maps to see road-related geographic features, such as project locations, road closures, pavement condition, and more.

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Planning & Reports

Go here to find important documents released by the Department of Transportation & Public Works Roads Division.

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Find about about the County post mile system. Download the Sonoma County Postmile Book, a reference guide to locations along County roads.

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View/Download Postmile Book (PDF)

Mile Totals

See total miles within the County-maintained road system, broken down into categories.

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Road Jurisdiction

State, County, City or private? Find out how to know which agency is responsible for which road.

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Traffic Surveys

See information about vehicle speeds and traffic volume on Sonoma County roads.

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