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Pavement Preservation

Paving Truck 4

Sonoma Public Infrastructure's offices are now located at 400 Aviation Blvd, Suite 100, Santa Rosa, CA 95403.

About Us

What We Do

Sonoma County's Pavement Preservation Program aims to lower the long-term cost of maintaining our roads by examining pavement condition and other characteristics to determine the proper treatments, and when to apply them. Read more...

Pavement Preservation Program

See maps for current and future planned and past completed paving work in each District.

Project Information
by Supervisor District

Road Paving Location Map

Projects for the current and future years are shown below. Project locations are preliminary and may be subject to change. See list of roads

Click to view the map full screen

Purple Line Paving, Future Future Road Paving Projects (subject to change)
Blue Line Paving, This Year Roads being paved this year
Black Line Past Paving Road Paving Projects completed last year

Utility Companies: Pavement Cut Policy

Utility companies, please be advised that pavement cuts are prohibited on County roads that have been paved within the previous five calendar years.

Interactive Map: Pavement Cut Moratorium Map