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Clerk-Recorder-Assessor-Registrar of Voters

Historical Records Commission

Historical Records Commission Meeting Minutes

hrc-banner 750

Members present

Eric Stanley, Chair
Steven Lovejoy
John Murphey

Members not present
Katherine Rinehart, Vice-chair
Joyce Sayed

Associate Members present

Associate Members not present
Deva Proto, Secretary
Jeffrey Vaillant, President, Sonoma County Genealogical Society

Guests present


  1. Call to order 4:16 pm
  2. The June 14, 2016 minutes were approved unanimously with no changes
  3. Budget Discussion 
    1. The final report for the recent architectural records survey at the Sonoma County Archives paid for out of Advertising funds has been received.
    2. Commissioner Murphey will add his own comments and send it out to the other HRC members.
  4. Continuing Business
    1. Changes to By-laws
      1. The changes to the Historical Records Commission by-laws will flow from the changes made to the resolution establishing the Historical Records Commission. Commissioner Sayed has submitted a draft of her changes to the resolution which will be submitted to the Board of Supervisors. 
        • These changes will be discussed at the next Historical Records Commission meeting
    2. Historical Records Commission website
      1. No new information on this
    3. Research grants program
      1. Chairman Stanley passed out the latest version of the Call for Applications for the small research grants the Historical Records Commission is planning to offer. Commissioner Lovejoy noted that the successful applicants should report back to the Historical Records Commission how exactly the research grant money was used (photocopying, travel, etc.)  
  5. New Business
    1. None
  6. Public Comment
    1. None
  7. Meeting Adjourned at 4:28 pm

Additional Information

Next meeting – August 9, 2016, 4:00 pm, Sonoma County Library Annex, Santa Rosa