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Board of Supervisors Department

Mark West Area Municipal Advisory Council

Minutes for October 14 2019

  1. Call to Order: Chairman Molsberry called to order, the regular meeting of Mark West Citizens Advisory Council 6:00 pm.
    1. Roll Call: Councilmembers present: Brian Molsberry, Roni Berg. Pete Lescure, Brad Sherwood, Tim Preston
    2. Approval of Minutes: On a motion by Councilmember Preston, seconded by Councilmember Lescure, minutes of the regular MWCAC meeting, September 9, 2019, were approved. The motion carried on a voice vote (4-0). Chair Molsberry was not in attendance at last meeting.
  2. Ex parte Communications: NONE
  3. Public Comments on Non Agenda Items: This time is set aside for comments from the public regarding matters of general Interest, not on the agenda, but related to MWCAC business. Pursuant to the Brown Act, however, the MWCAC cannot consider any issues or take action on any requests during this comment period. Each person is usually granted three minutes to speak. Time limitations are at the discretion of the Chair.
    1. Evan Jacobs: Cal Am Water stated that a rate case has been filed which request a 5.76% reduction for Larkfield due to consolidation with Sacramento. They are working on restoration; about $7 million. They are requesting recovery of those costs throughout the state. Should only be a few cents statewide, if approved. He will come back with a presentation, to seek MWCAC support.
    2. Susan Sloan, Wikiup C.O.P.E. Program: Citizens Organized and Prepared for Emergencies. It is neighbors helping neighbors. The program was started by Oakmont residents in cooperation with the Santa Rosa Fire Department and American Red Cross. Wikiup residents are starting one in Wikiup. The greatest challenge is finding meeting and web space where people can find information. (707) 495-1986 Text is OK.
  4. Correspondence: NONE
  5. Council Member Announcements and Disclosures: Information only: 1) Councilmember Preston: The Sonoma County water agency will try to get in touch with you if you are signed up with the sewer extension program. You will need to sign papers, by appt. with the Sonoma County Water Agency. He advised people to answer their phones even if they don’t recognize a number.
  6. Presentations: Referrals from Sonoma County PRMD: Action Item. Consideration of proposed projects will proceed as follows: 1. Presentation by project applicant. 2. Questions by Councilmembers. 3.Questions and comments from the public. 4. Response by applicant, if required. 5. Comments by Council members. 6. Resolution. ACTION, if indicated. NONE
  7. Referrals from Sonoma County PRMD w/out Presentations Required NONE
  8. Presentations Other than Referrals from PRMD: To proceed as follows: 1. Presentation 2. Questions by Councilmembers 3. Questions and comments from the public
    1. Bill Keck, Executive Director, Carlton Senior Living came to the council with an update. The second county review had 52 more questions that needed to be addressed. They are now back with the County for review and hopeful approval and hope to break ground late winter to early spring next year. He is pushing to maybe have a marketing trailer on site. It will be a traditional assisted living; not loud or a lot of staff or traffic. The plans have been adjusted to a two story building. See the picture on the sign on Old Redwood Hwy.
      1. 14 to 16 months build, once started. 128 apartments, consisting of Independent, Assisted and Memory Care
      2. It typically takes 12 months to maximize census.
      3. There will be pedestrian sidewalks on Pacific Heights and Old Redwood.
      4. About 75 to 100 combined full/part time on-call employees. 35-40 tops, day shift, arriving and departing at different times
      5. Headquartered in Concord. 3 sites in Concord
      6. They are family-owned and have been around for 35 years. Bill has 26 years of experience in senior housing.
      7. They want to be good neighbors and do things the proper way
  9. Subcommittee Reports & Discussions: Action if indicated
    1. NIFP: Council Vice Chair Berg: Community Soils asked in their application for their project to be funded before starting. That became problematic with the County legal and accounting departments. After months of trying to achieve the “before project funding,” Supervisor Gore’s office has instructed us to have Community Soils “complete” the project and submit their “invoices” to the MWCAC for verification. The MWCAC will then submit the invoice(s) to the County for payment. Supervisor Gore’s office is continuing to work towards a smoother funding process going forward.
    2. Rebuild Subcommittee: Councilmember Sherwood: 15 percent moved in. Great anniversary celebration with 500 attendees. Sewer deadline for Larkfield Estates has passed. Block captains still meet every week; with every other week being with Supervisor Gore on rebuild. Meetings held at Sonoma Water at 404 Aviation Blvd. Evan Jacobs, Cal Am Water: All need fire protection service. Go to Cal Am office for reduction on new meter. 4787 Old Redwood Hwy. Mark West Citizens Advisory Council / Page 1 of 2
    3. CSD Subcommittee: Councilmember Preston: Moving ahead w/exploratory actions. Consultant Walter Kieser, of Economic Planning Systems engaged. He will be paid thru Cal Am Franchise Fees. It makes sense to have a general CSD. This committee wants broad community meetings. Reaching out to people who are active in local issues and corporate entities to get more people involved. Then move on to town hall meetings. The community needs to be well informed. There is nothing firm yet. The committee is getting educated on laws. How affect taxes? It’s complicated. All residents in unincorporated areas are taxed for parks. If residents levee a tax on self, it should be set apart. Not necessarily not to going to get money back from other taxes. A CSD would try for matching funds or partial funds. Also a CSD lets area advocate directly for funds. It’s more of a governmental entity. More local control. Appointed in beginning and then elected going forward. Need to raise money to have election.
  10. Other Reports: Discussion may follow: Action if indicated
    1. Report of a discussion re: A specific plan for Mark West Councilmember Lescure: The County is getting ready to update the general plan. He shared his memo about the California General Plan Elements, Sonoma County General Plan Update 2020, RE:1980 Larkfield/Wikiup Specific Plan. No changes in 40 years. Go to the Council web site to see the 1980 specific plan.

      People can get involved in a general plan going forward by continuing to attend the MWCAC meetings. Give input to the Council and it will be documented. The Council will send community input to Permit Sonoma at the appropriate time. Councilmember Lescure will continue to update.

      Councilmember Sherwood mentioned the Supervisor’s study of a possible third SMART station in Fulton or Roseland (Press Democrat article 10/8/19). Council Vice Chair Berg said she doesn’t believe anyone in Fulton would want a station there since it would bring back the train whistle at two crossings, just a few feet from each other. Fulton residents allowed for two streets in Fulton to be permanently closed to allow for the “quiet zones." Will it be addressed in the Specific plan? Could it be written in, that there will not be a station in Fulton? The Council will know if Fulton is in the running after the study is completed and will proceed accordingly.
  11. Discussion Items: ACTION ITEMS Action if indicated
    1. Community contest for students to create a logo for MWCAC: Superintendent Ron Calloway is spearheading this project.
    2. Procedure to keep a subject active, communicate updates, close subject if appropriate: Request to put Wikiup Commons update on the agenda. Trying to initiate communication. Someone has mowed t he entire field.
  12. Future Agenda Items: Potential future projects and suggestions for the next meeting.
    1. Councilmember Sherwood made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Preston, to cancel November’s meeting due to it falling on Veterans Day. The motion carried on a voice vote (5-0).
    2. Councilmember Sherwood will invite PGE to speak re Power shutouts and transmission lines.
    3. Councilmember Sherwood made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Preston, to make an update from all utilities, PGE, Comcast, Cal Am, Sonoma Water, AT&T a standing item on the agenda. It was suggested to put it in the front of the agenda for convenience of presenters. The motion carried on a voice vote (5-0).
  13. Adjournment: ACTION ITEM There being no other Council business to discuss, on a motion by Council Berg, seconded by Councilmember Lescure, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 pm.