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Board of Supervisors Department

Mark West Area Municipal Advisory Council

Minutes for July 8, 2019

  1. Call to Order – Chairman Brian Molsberry called to order the regular meeting of the Mark West Citizens Advisory Council at 6:00 pm.
    1. Roll Call: Councilmembers present: Brian Molsberry, Roni Berg, Tim Preston, Brad Sherwood.
    2. Approval of Minutes: On a motion by Councilmember Sherwood, seconded by Council Vice Chair Berg, minutes of the regular MWCAC meeting, June 10, 2019, were approved. The motion carried on a voice vote (3-0). Councilmember Preston was not present at the last meeting.
    3. Addendum to the Agenda: A decision was made by the councilmembers present, that Lot Line Adjustment Referrals not need to be presented to Council. Therefore, Item "F" on the Agenda will not be discussed: Referral from Sonoma County PRMD, MNS18-00081, 304 Wikiup Dr.
  2. Ex parte Communications: None. 
  3. Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items: None. This time is set aside for comments from the public regarding matters of general interest, not on the agenda, but related to MWCAC business. Pursuant to the Brown Act, however, the MWCAC cannot consider any issues or take action on any requests during this comment period. Each person is usually granted three minutes to speak; time limitations are at the discretion of the Chair.
  4. Correspondence: None.
  5. Council Member Announcements and Disclosures, Information only:
    1. Vice Chair Berg shared the newspaper article about the new solar program at Sutter Hospital, and the presentation about it, which she and Councilmember Sherwood attended. She also shared the Cal American Water flyer she received in the mail
  6. Presentations: Referrals from PRMD – Action Item: Consideration of proposed projects will proceed as follows: 1. Presentation by project applicant. 2. Questions by Councilmembers. 3. Questions and comments from the public. 4. Response by applicant, if required. 5. Comments by Council members. 6. Resolution, ACTION, if indicated. None.
  7. Referrals from Sonoma County PRMD w/out Presentations Required
    1. See Addendum to Agenda above.
  8. Presentations Other than Referrals from PRMD: To proceed as follows: 1. Presentation 2. Questions by Councilmembers 3. Questions and comments from the public 4. Response by applicant, if required 5. Comments by Council members 6. Resolution, ACTION, if indicated.
    1. Councilmember Sherwood reported on behalf of Block Captains: 
      Block captains continue to meet every other week with Supervisor Gore to help our community rebuild the Tubbs fire. Issues of concern range from the looming end of rental funding by insurance companies to those fire survivors whom have yet to complete their rebuilds. If a survivor has not completed their rebuild by October 2019, many insurance companies will not continue to pay for their rental costs. This means survivors will have to continue paying their mortgage and now pay for their rent.  This is a huge issue for many survivors. Who can afford to pay for both of these expenses while paying for their rebuild?

      Supervisor Gore is working on a two-year Tubbs fire anniversary event at the LBC.  More information to come
  9. Subcommittee Reports and Discussions – Action if indicated:
    1. NIFP Committee: Council Vice Chair announced that the first grant was paid. There is a good chance that Community Soils.
    2. Rebuild Reporting Committee: Councilmember Sherwood reported:
      1,729 homes were lost in the Tubbs Fire in Larkfield/Mark West
      A total of 5,334 homes were lost in the Sonoma Complex Fires
      514 homes have been rebuilt, finished
      1,895 homes are under construction
      2,281 homes are not being rebuilt
      340 homes have been issued construction permits
      304 homes have construction permits pending
      574 lots have been sold
      962 lots are listed for sale
    3. Councilmember Preston accepted an appointment to a new committee for researching the possibility of forming a Community Services District.  Councilmember Sherwood was appointed last month.
  10. Other Reports (Discussion may follow) – Action if indicated: None.
  11. Discussion Items: ACTION ITEMS – Action if indicated:
    1. Discussed supporting/helping to plan an event marking October 2019, the two-year anniversary of the Tubbs fire.

      What is the community talking about wanting to do? Brian will talk to Jenny Chamberlain about it. A place for a museum. Council Vice Chair Berg asked Jenny about it. She talked to Supervisor Gore about a traveling museum. Something like a movable case to display items. Jenny wants to talk to Supervisor Gore about holding an event at the LBC. Need to get on the calendar.  

      Some suggestions: Maybe Sutter could underwrite some of it; Tubbs Fire Museum items would come from fire ravaged communities and a curator would need to be identified to install and update items. There needs to be a group of people to put this all together. Block Captains, etc.
  12. Future Agenda Items:Potential projects and suggestions for the next meeting.
    1. Future planning for Mark West Area, Last plan in 1978.
  13. Adjournment: ACTION ITEM. There being no other Council business to discuss, on a motion by Councilmember Sherwood, seconded by Councilmember Preston, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm.