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Board of Supervisors Department

Mark West Area Municipal Advisory Council

Minutes for January 14 2019

  1. Call to Order:
    • Chairman Brian Molsberry called to order, the regular meeting of the Mark West Citizens Advisory Council at 6:00 pm.
    • Roll Call: Councilmembers present: Brian Molsberry, Roni Berg, Pete Lescure, Brad Sherwood, Tim Preston
    • Approval of Minutes: On a motion by Council Vice Chair Berg, seconded by Councilmember Preston, minutes of the regular MWCAC meeting, November 12, 2018, were approved. The motion carried on a voice vote, (5-0).
  2. Ex parte Communications: None
  3. Public Comments on Non Agenda Items: This time is set aside for comments from the public regarding matters of general interest, not on the agenda, but related to MWCAC business. Pursuant to the Brown Act, however, the MWCAC cannot consider any issues or take action on any requests during this comment period. Each person is usually granted 3 minutes to speak; time limitations are at the discretion of the Chair.
  4. Correspondence:
    • Jen Mendoza called Council Vice Chair Berg stating that ADA compliance enhancement is coming to the corner of Mark West Springs Rd. at Ursuline and Old Redwood Hwy. at Airport Blvd.
  5. Council Member Announcements and Disclosures: Information only
    • Councilmember Lescure reported that the Windsor Fire District has applied to LAFCO to annex the Rincon Valley, Mountain and Bennett Valley Fire Protection Districts. As a Director of the Mark West Chamber, he learned about this action during his service on an employment interview panel for battalion chiefs, to serve the consolidated Districts. LAFCO will hold a public hearing on February 6 to consider, and likely approve, the annexation. A 30-day period will follow for any member of the public to protest the annexation and consolidation. Formation of the new entity (Sonoma County Fire District) has the support of the Directors of all four agencies. The Council agreed to invite a representative of the pro- posed Sonoma County Fire District to present the plan to the next Council meeting (2/11/2019).
      The proposed annexation is driven by declining financial conditions and needs of the three districts to be annexed by the Windsor FPD. All three have been struggling for several years with an inadequate financial basis and edging toward a consolidation plan. Consolidation planning was prioritized by the 2017 wildfires. All three lost considerable portions of their property tax basis; pushing them toward insol- vency. Property tax rates are set to increase to Windor’s existing rates upon annexation. Consolidation will benefit the rate payers through costs sharing, more efficient operations and increased services levels.
  6. Referrals from PRMD -None
  7. Presentations: Other than Referrals from PRMD
    • Willie Lamberson and Brad Sherwood on Wikiup Commons:
      A community meeting was held on December 13, to discuss park design options. The high points are:
      The Jackson/Banke family wants to donate 16 acres to an entity, for a park. The discussion continues with the County Parks Department about taking ownership and with Cal American Water about having an easement across their property for a bridge over the creek for safer walking access to Larkfield.
      Community Soils Foundation shared a proposed concept for a natural park with a community garden, pathways and a natural pond. They suggest more of a preservation park, vs. a destination park. They are hoping the County Parks will take possession, and lease back to Community Soils for maintenance.
      There were several inquiries about a dog park. It is being considered to be added to the plan.
      The department of Fish and Wildlife is looking at the creek for habitat restoration. The School District is also involved and looking at garden and creek life education.
      Questions answered:
      Several Open Space Districts grants will pay for the park and creek renovation. The initial concept is to use a phase approach, seeking grants from the County first, then non-profits.
      A group from “Friends of Wikiup” voiced their opposition to the K zoning change, stating that the park discussion is premature until the zoning issue is solved. They want the entire property to be a park with no houses. A discussion followed about the particular requirements.
      It is currently all K zone. It was suggested that the MWCAC was ideal for a matching grant program. Councilmember Sherwood acknowledged that suggestion and introduced the Larkfield Resilience Fund.
    • Larkfield Resilience Fund: Board of Directors:
      Shawn Ratliff, President; Brad Sherwood, Vice-President; Christine Ratliff, Secretary; and Directors Haley Skerrett, Lisa Newman, Katrina Lassen and Stan Goodell.
      The fund was started with a goal to raise funds to help the neighbors in multiple projects.
      Their mission is to help make the neighborhood come back stronger so they started this non-profit with intention of expansion. Primary project: Neighborhood greening project; replant trees in the front yards of homes in the Larkfield area that were destroyed by the Tubbs fire. They also hope to fund emergency preparedness plans such as COPE, Citizens Organized to Prepare for Emergency, this will develop more as more residents move back into the area.
      They are a registered California corporation and have filed the IRS 501(c)3 application for tax exemption to allow them to provide a tax deduction to donors. It should be processed by March of 2019. They op- erate as if they were officially a non-profit with the hope to be so with the processing. They were award- ed a grant from United Way for $15,000 and a grant from Community Foundation of Mendocino County for $20,000. Both grants will be used to fund the Neighborhood Greening Project. They applied and re- ceived some of these funds with the aid of a Fiscal Sponsorship with Rebuild Northbay Foundation. Total, they have raised over $60,000 including the grants, donations and pending donations.
      Fire survivors who are rebuilding and wish to be considered for a tree should complete an online applica- tion, found on their website.
      There are discussions with Arbor Day Foundation to help with tree planting events. Possibly 1500 trees.
      A local coffee start-up, Neighborhood Coffee, founded by Rob Daly, has agreed to partner with LRF by donating 5% of net profits to their resilience projects in 2019. Neighborhood is available for purchase in northern California Whole Foods. It is possible that the organization could consider working with others in the fire area to help get grants or to get grants on their behalf, such as the HOA for Mark Wet Estates. Shawn and Christine donated their own money to start the non-profit process.
      Council Vice Chair Berg stated that she is working with Supervisor Gore’s office on the County’s “fiscal sponsor” requirements for administering the funds for the NIFP. General consensus was that this could be a good opportunity for NIFP, Larkfield Resilience Fund and the community organizations to work together, applying for funds.
  8. Subcommittee Reports and Following Discussions
      Vice Chair Berg explained that Parts of Fulton are in the Cal American Water District, thereby part of the MWCAC. She explained how the online application and the Neighborhood Improvement funds work.
      Responding to the Mark West Estates Homeowners’ Association’s frustrations getting their funds, she explained that the County has approved the funds but that County Council is now requiring the pay ments go through a “fiscal sponsor” —i.e. (501c3).
      Councilmember Preston explained that the Brown Act is a sunshine act and the MWCAC is formed under it. That means Brad Sherwood, being President of the LRF, will have to abstain from all conversations and votes about the funds in conjunction with the LRF and any votes will require four “yes” votes to pass.
  9. Discussion Items: Action ItemS – Action if indicated
    • Council Vice Chair announced that a Flashing light (HAWK) pedestrian signal is coming to Old Redwood Highway, in front of Molsberry Market. It should be done before this summer.
    • Council Vice Chair Berg also suggested a subcommittee be created for the purpose of updating the Council/Community on what’s happening in the rebuilding efforts. The Rebuild Subcommittee was established and Councilmembers Sherwood and Molsberry agreed to be on it.
    • Council Vice Chair Berg told the Council the budget is due by February 28. After discussion about the secretary salary of $250 monthly, Councilmember Preston motioned to raise the secretary salary by 20% in all categories. It was seconded by Councilmember Lescure and carried on a voice vote. (5-0).
    • Councilmember Berg stated that on July 10, 2018, the Board of Supervisors reappointed: Councilmembers Tim Preston and Brian Molsberry until 12/31/2020 and Councilmembers Roni Berg & Pete Lescure a second term until 12/31/2021.
  10. Rick Hall of Mark West Estates started a second discussion that was not on the Agenda
    • He expressed his frustration about the funds not being distributed for the approved MWHOA project.
      Another member stated that the MWHOA has depleted funds and needs money upfront.
      Councilmembers Berg and Preston explained the County procedure. When all receipts are turned in to the Council, and a “fiscal sponsor” has been identified, the money will be disbursed.
      They explained that the funds were initially for small projects. No one envisioned the fires and such great need. The money paid into Cal American Water and then funneled into the County predates the MWCAC. The BOS has control over the funds. Now they are figuring out how to legally handle them. The money starts with the community and goes to the county and then back to the community.
      It was suggested that projects be set up with the agreement with contractors that they wait to get paid until the funds come in from the NIFP. It was also recommended that the funds could be released into some kind of escrow.
      The Council is working hard to figure this out and also doesn’t want to make it burdensome on the County (so they won’t bill for administrative costs). That would come out of the community funds.
  11. Agenda Items: Potential projects for future meetings and suggestions for the next MWCAC meeting.
    • Bert Whitaker, Sonoma County Parks
    • Future planning for Mark West Area. Last plan in 1978.
    • NIFP Funding Update
    • Discussion on a strategic plan for the Council for 2019
    • General discussion to make sure the construction areas in Wikiup/Larkfield get on the future budget for County roads and sidewalks. Expand awareness. Councilmember Berg will contact someone from Public Works to be placed on the agenda.
  12. Adjournment: Action Item
    • There being no other Council business to discuss, on a motion by Councilmember Lescure and seconded by Council Vice Chair Berg, the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm.