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Board of Supervisors Department

Mark West Area Municipal Advisory Council

Approved Minutes January 13, 2020

  1. Call to Order: Chairman Molsberry called to order, the regular meeting of Mark West Citizens Advisory Council 6:00 pm.
    1. Roll Call: Councilmembers present: Brian Molsberry, Roni Berg, Pete Lescure, Brad Sherwood, Tim Preston
    2. Approval of Minutes: On a motion by Council Vice Chair Berg, seconded by Councilmember Sherwood, minutes of the regular MWCAC meeting, October 14, 2019, were approved. The motion carried on a voice vote (5-0).
  2. Ex parte Communications: NONE
  3. Public Comments on Non Agenda Items: This time is set aside for comments from the public regarding matters of general Interest, not on the agenda, but related to MWCAC business. Pursuant to the Brown Act, however, the MWCAC cannot consider any issues or take action on any requests during this comment period. Each person is usually granted three minutes to speak. Time limitations are at the discretion of the Chair.
    1. Willie Lamberson requested clarification of delay of HAWK light at crosswalk in front of Molsberry Market.
  4. Correspondence: NONE
  5. Council Member Announcements and Disclosures: Information only: NONE
  6. Presentations: Referrals from Sonoma County PRMD: Action Item. Consideration of proposed projects will proceed as follows: 1. Presentation by project applicant. 2. Questions by Councilmembers. 3.Questions and comments from the public. 4. Response by applicant, if required. 5. Comments by Council members. 6. Resolution. ACTION, if indicated. NONE
  7. Referrals from Sonoma County PRMD w/out Presentations Required NONE
  8. Presentations Other than Referrals from PRMD: To proceed as follows: 1. Presentation 2. Questions by Councilmembers 3. Questions and comments from the public
    1. Tara Soekland, Supervisor Community Rebuild, Pacific Gas & Electric Co, Sonoma Division did not attend.
    2. Lyn Romstad, CREW, Youth Mentoring by Adults/Parents.

    It is a non-profit that helps students achieve their best in school and life, by providing mentoring at Riebli school. The name CREW comes from the words Courage, Resilience, Empowerment, and Wellbeing. It is the first school-based mentoring program in Santa Rosa. CREW selects the adult mentors (once they pass background checks) and then trains them.

    They meet with the students, individually, one hour per week, during school hours. Typically the students drive the hour. The men- tors are adult friends with adult perspectives. Attendance is up and behavioral issues are going down since the program’s start.

    They also have a CREW Club. Kids meet weekly and talk about issues.

    Lyn will talk to anybody or any group to seek aid for CREW. She is currently getting trained in Trauma Informed Mentorship. They are looking for mentors and avenues for fund raising.

    Their goal is to get into all the schools as so many students need mentoring.

    • CREW looked into funding thru NIFP. It doesn’t fit the guidelines of NIFP, even though it is a fantastic program.
    • The Council can serve as a forum for community groups, like this, who would like to speak to the community.
    • It would be good for Lyn to speak to other community programs; like chambers.
    • They can use operational, start up funds and fruit snacks,
    • They are supported by the school district, which provides space.
    • A goal is to open at San Miguel by end of year.
    • 60 kids were in CREW Club room last week. It’s inclusive for all kids.

        1. Cyndi Foreman, Battalion Chief, Fire Marshal, SC Fire District.

        Cyndi gave a power point presentation concerning the Formal Consolidation of Windsor, Mountain, Rincon Valley and Bennett Valley into one Fire District and and overview of the Tubbs/Kincaid fires.

        They are planning on bringing Russian River in to the District and looking at Bodega Bay; and are in communication with Forestville. After two major fires they all know all have to rely on each other.

        As is already known, the Tubbs hit heavily in Rincon Valley. It took almost a million dollars in revenue; not sustainable for small districts.

        They thought they were going to lose Windsor in the Kincade fire. Except for the wind change, many properties would not be here today.

        The Powerpoint is on the MWCAC web page.

        1. Presentation of Resolution:
          The Council members all signed and then presented a Resolution of the Mark West Citizens Advisory Council recognizing the Sonoma County Fire District and its Staff for its protection, ongoing rebuild efforts during and after the fires and appreciates its fire protection, prevention and community engagement efforts made by the Sonoma County Fire District to prevent future fire threats in our community.
      1. Subcommittee Reports & Discussions: Action if indicated
        1. NIFP Subcommittee: Council Vice Chair Berg: Nothing to report
        2. Rebuild Subcommittee: Councilmember Sherwood reported that there would be a Ribbon cutting for Larkfield Estates re-build project. The time and date will be announced.
        3. CSD Subcommittee: Councilmember Preston: Nothing to report
      2. Other Reports: Discussion may follow: Action if indicated
        1. Councilmember Lescure presented the Council with a memo outlining a Specific Plan for Mark West area. He presented his comparison ~ 40 years ago the plan consisted of Goals & Policies. In this 2020 plan he also includes implementation measures. The plan is currently a work in progress; setting a pattern to prioritize ideas and plans.
      3. Discussion Items: ACTION ITEMS Action if indicated
        1. Opportunity for all utilities to update the Council. On a motion by Councilmember Sherwood, seconded by Councilmember Preston, it was decided to request an update from all utilities, PGE, Comcast, Cal Am, Sonoma Water, AT&T and have a standing item, on agendas. The motion carried on a voice vote (5-0). Put on front of agendas for convenience of presenters. Secretary will write a letter to all utilities.
      4. Future Agenda Items: Potential future projects and suggestions for the next meeting.
        1. Wikiup Report, make a standing agenda item
        2. Walter Keiser, Economic and Planning Systems, Inc.
        3. Tara Soekland, Supervisor Community Rebuild, Pacific Gas & Electric Co, Sonoma Division ( reschedule)
        4. Kevin Booker, Sonoma County Water Agency
      5. Adjournment: ACTION ITEM There being no other Council business to discuss, on a motion by Council Lescure, seconded by Councilmember Berg the meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.